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“That’s why I rarely mention her.” Mandy sighs. “My family is so messed up.”

“Your family is no different than mine.” I laugh. “Maybe that’s why we get along so well. We might be the only half-assed normal ones out of the whole bunch.”

“Where are we going on that dream vacation?” Mandy asks, giving me a weary look.

“I don’t know yet, but I do know there probably won’t be any cell phone reception.”

I take her hand and give it a kiss. I’m going to find her a Mustang just like this one.

Chapter 13

Early Sunday Afternoon


Leaving the farm in Dad’s pickup truck, I’m struck by the realization that another chapter of my life is officially closing. There is little doubt that Dad will clean out the house and put it on the market now that Mom has passed. I know the past few years have been especially tough on him as he watched the continual decline of her health. He deserves to find some happiness.

“When are you coming to New York?” I ask, figuring that will be his next move.

“Oh, after spending so much time out here I’m not sure I can handle the big city anymore,” he replies with a reminiscent tone in his voice. “I’m getting too old to deal with all that traffic and crap.”

“Really?” Trey asks, seeming shocked by his admission. “What about Mom?”

“We had a nice talk last night,” he says with a sigh. “I’m just not ready to pull up roots and leave right away. She understands.”

“But you two have been pining for each other for years,” I say, turning in my seat. “Now you don’t think you are ready? What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know.” He raises his hand and rubs his forehead trying to come up with a good answer. “I guess I’m a little afraid of jumping from the frying pan and into the fire.” He smirks and leans forward to give Trey a sideways glance.

“I know Mom has had her issues over the years, but after learning about her relationship with you, I think that has been the source of her issues,” Trey tells him with utmost confidence. “I think you need to at least give her a chance. I don’t think she is tied to New York, she just hasn’t had a good reason to leave.”

“Good point,” Dad replies, staring straight ahead through the bug splattered windshield.

“I’m glad Mom knew about everything and had come to terms with it,” I tell him. “I would still be awfully mad at you if she hadn’t cleared the air the other night. I could barely stand to look at you when you picked me up at the airport.”

“I know, I’m glad too. I don’t think I would’ve been able to live with you hating me.” He turns and gives me a sad smile. “You’ve always been my little girl and I just didn’t want you to think less of me,” he says, apologizing with his eyes.

“One thing I’ve learned Dad, is that you rarely lose the respect of someone by telling them the truth. It’s usually the other way around.” I reach over and pat him on the arm. “I’m still your little girl.”

“You always were the smart one, Amanda.” He leans forward and looks over at Trey. “You take good care of her.”

“I plan on it,” he replies, slipping his arm around me.

By the time we reach the airport I’m feeling at peace with everything. Even though everything is changing, it’s probably all for the best. Mom is no longer suffering, Dad can move on with his life and I think there is something very special growing between Trey and I. We probably won’t know for sure until we work through everything and let the dust settle. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later though, I’m getting emotionally drained.


After Ray drops Mandy and I off at the airport, my phone begins to ring obsessively. I look down and there are several missed calls in a row from Tommy. He has either been drinking or something must really be urgent. Immediately after boarding the plane, Tommy’s number pops up on my screen for the fifth time.

“Hey Tommy, is there a problem?” I answer, feeling a little annoyed by his persistence.

“Where are you?” he asks in a scolding voice.

“I came to Tennessee for a memorial for Mandy’s mom,” I reply matching his derogatory tone.

“Oh, I was wondering why you keep disappearing. First you leave Monaco in the middle of the night and now you’re not in the city,” he replies, acting like I owe him some sort of explanation. “You’re a hard guy to nail down.”

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