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“We’re not related.” I try to convince myself as well as her. “There is no way.” I pray that I wouldn’t be this sexually attracted to a woman who was my half sister. My basic instincts have to be better than that. At least, I hope they are.

I click the speakerphone button after waiting a couple of minutes and lay the phone on the table between us. “I’m so frickin’ nervous right now,” she squeals. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous in my whole life.”

“Yeah, no shit. I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack when I woke up this morning. I can’t take too much more of this. It’s getting to the point where I dread phone calls and text messages.” We both stare at the phone waiting for a break in the hold music, but it continues to play for what seems like forever.

“Hey, Trey. I’ve got them.” Jürgen’s voice finally interrupts the Swedish folk tune that we had been forced to endure. “Let’s see if there’s a summary page.” We both lean into the phone, listening with the utmost intensity. “Oh… wow… you two haven’t had sex have you?”

Both of our hearts drop and we look at one another in horror. Please don’t tell me that Mandy is my fucking sister. Please…

“Let’s see, if the way I’m reading this is correct… there is a 99.98% probability that you two…” He pauses and clears his throat adding to the drama. “Are not related.”

“Oh… you fucker! The way you kept pausing, I thought you had bad news!” I blurt out in a sigh of relief. “You had us both on the verge of a heart attack.”

“I’m sorry, but this is the first time I’ve read one of these reports. I’m pretty sure that minus ninety nine point nine eight means that you are not related,” he adds once again lowering our confidence in his assessment.

“Are we related or not, Jürgen?” I shout into the phone as other customers begin to filter into the outdoor patio area.

“Just a second, I’m reading the summary and… no. You two are definitely not related to one another.” He clears his throat, sounding a bit flustered. “I’m sorry, like I said I’ve never read one of these before. We don’t normally do this type of testing.”

“That’s okay,” Mandy interjects, obviously feeling sorry for him.

“I am, however, selling the stock that I own in your company,” I tease. “If you can’t read a simple report, I think I better cash out before things go south.”

“Hey! Now you’re just being cruel,” he retaliates. “I was just making sure that I didn’t give you the wrong answer. That could have lead to a really bad outcome.”

“Yeah, as if dating your half-sister isn’t bad enough.” I laugh.

“I’m glad you said it… because I was trying my best to avoid the topic,” he says, clearing his throat once again. “I was just praying that I didn’t have to break any bad news this morning.”

“On that note, we are hanging up,” I reply. “Thanks for running the test for us.”

“Anytime, Trey. You two have a good day.”

I let out another sigh of relief after hearing the click on the other end of the line. “I knew we weren’t related. If things would have turned out the other way, it would have been so messed up.” I squeeze Mandy’s hands and give her a big grin of relief.

“Yeah, no shit,” Mandy replies, letting out a long held breath. “Now I really need a dulce de leche crepe and an almond croissant.”

“And for you, Sir?” a handsome, young waiter asks me from behind.

“Whoa, I totally did not see you there.” I haven’t even looked at the menu. “I’ll have an almond croissant as well. Also, I need a couple eggs over easy. Is that possible?”

“Yes, Sir. Two eggs, over easy and an almond croissant coming up.”

“Good looking and speaks perfect English… I think you are in luck,” I whisper to Mandy after he disappears with our order.

“Hey, I’ve just been informed that I’ve got my boyfriend back, so I’m definitely off the market. That is unless you have had a change of heart since last night.”

“No. Nothing has changed. Tyler will wake up from his coma, come to his senses and marry Vanessa. They will get everything worked out and this latest episode will finally force him to deal with his addiction issues.” I pour myself another cup of coffee and begin thinking about how much truth there is behind my words. I hope it’s not just wishful thinking.

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