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“Okay, well I just have one last thing for you,” Detective Kelly adds, moving quickly past the emotional moment. “The one person we can’t place is this man.” He holds the iPad up for him again. “He never entered the airport, so we don’t have a high resolution image of him.”

“He is a friend of mine,” Trey answers with no additional explanation.

“And his name?”

“Why is his name relevant?” Trey asks with a puzzled look on his face. He is doing a great job of controlling his emotions. I wonder if he ever took acting lessons?

“Because when the man arrived, he was only carrying some sort of envelope in his hand.” The detective shows Trey another picture, before flipping to the next. “But then he leaves with a briefcase.”

“That sounds like normal business to me.” Trey shrugs and gives him a blank look.

“Here’s something you probably didn’t see.” The detective smiles and flips to the next picture. “Here is where you said goodbye to him.” He begins to flip through a series of pictures. “And after you head back to the plane your buddy opens the briefcase, takes out a stack of bills, examines them and shoves them into his pocket.”

Even though Trey looks calm, he has to be stunned by Jake’s stupidity, but so far he hasn’t even flinched. “Yeah, those were extremely rare documents that I purchased from him. I actually got them for a pretty fair price,” he says, coming up with a plausible explanation on the spot.

“And you had to pay for them with a briefcase of cash?” Officer Martello chimes in. “Is that how you normally do business?”

“No.” Trey laughs. “I normally do business just like everyone else. However, he told me I would get a five percent discount if I paid him in cash, so I did.” He turns his palms toward them and raises his hands. “Is paying with cash a crime?”

“It all depends upon what was in those documents.” Detective Kelly sneers. “Some people have speculated that the money was a down payment for taking out a hit on your father.”

“Really? That’s what this is about?” Trey bursts out laughing. “Oh my God! If I were taking out a hit on my old man, would I give someone a briefcase full of cash in broad daylight? You two must think I’m an idiot. Well, I’m far from an idiot!”

“We aren’t implying anything,” Officer Martello scoffs. “We just thought that the timing of this transaction was incredibly coincidental.”

“Unfucking believable, have you been talking to my brother or something? If so, you might want to take a good look at what he has been up to as well. Even his fiancé is becoming suspicious of him.” Trey shakes his head and turns away from the officers. “First the media, then him and now the fucking NYPD. I’m calling my attorney in the morning and putting an end to all of this bullshit.”

“We aren’t here to accuse you Mr. Addison,” Detective Kelly exclaims. “I’m sure you would like to see us get to the bottom of this too.”

“Of course! But I guarantee you, I had nothing to do with it,” he says confronting them directly once again. “Absolutely nothing!”

“But from what I’ve read in the papers, the two of you weren’t getting along,” Detective Kelly counters. “And with him gone, you just became one of the richest men in the world.”

“Yeah, and so did my brother,” Trey replies struggling to maintain an even keel. “If there is nothing else, I would like to get on with my day.”

“We are going to need a copy of those documents that you say you purchased,” Officer Martello adds. “Just to corroborate your story.”

“I already delivered them to a third party in Switzerland, but I’ll see if my attorney can retrieve a copy of them for you.” Trey gives the officers a cooperative smile.

“Oh and are you going to be in the city for a while, just in case we have additional questions?” the detective asks on his way out.

“No. I’m going to Monaco tomorrow for Grand Prix week, but I’ll give you my attorney’s card.” He retrieves a business card from his wallet and hands it to him. “You can contact him if you need anything.”

“Perry Walters,” officer Martello utters in disbelief. “The best money can buy. I’ll bet you just put him on retainer, didn’t you?”

Trey stands there in silence with a slightly smug look on his face.

“The Monaco Grand Prix,” the detective muses. “God, it must be nice to become a billionaire over night.”

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