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“Okay, I’ll definitely go for a Martini then,” I counter. “Since you know too well what that shit does to me.”

“Exactly. Two Margaritas on the rocks, coming up,” he teases.

Walking hand in hand through the lobby of the Four Seasons, I find myself feeling a strange mixture of excitement, anticipation and fear. I think back to when I had to leave all of my friends behind and move a thousand miles away. I cried myself to sleep for several nights before starting school that fall. Each time I would curse his father for taking my life away from me. I was terrified at the thought of being the new kid. Now, I realize that without that difficult experience I wouldn’t have become the woman that I am today. Everything happens for a reason, as they say.

“She would like to see a Martini menu,” Trey tells the bartender as we take two seats at the bar. What a gentleman.

Chapter 15


It is obvious that Mandy is apprehensive about spending the night with me. She seems to think that another cocktail will solve the issue. She is pounding her martini with the same speed as she went through a Guinness, but it doesn’t seem to be curbing her nervousness.

“Just relax,” I tell her rubbing her back with one hand. “Even though Liv bailed on us, I still have both suites.”

“I don’t know why I feel so much anxiety,” she replies, with a confused look in her eyes.

“It’s probably because your world has been upended in the past few days. You got close to me with the intent of collecting evidence that Harris could use against me. Now, Liv is gone and you find yourself having feelings for someone you have despised for years,” I speculate. “Am I warm?”

“Hot, actually.” She gives me a muted smile. “After hearing you say it out loud, it’s no wonder my head is spinning.” She sets her elbows on the bar and pushes her face into her hands. “I didn’t despise you. You were my first crush when I was just a kid. Then after reading about you I thought…”

“You thought I would be an arrogant, narcissistic playboy who would be the perfect target to launch your legal career.” I pause and wait for her response, but her face remains buried in her hands. “How long have you been planning this?”

“A long, long time,” she whispers, finally sitting up and wiping tears from her eyes. “When I was a junior in college I read a book by Gloria Allred called Fight Back and Win. It really resonated with me and that’s when I decided to go on to law school.”

“So you got your law degree and hooked up with Harris. The man who made Dad’s life as miserable as possible over the past twenty five years,” I add, easily completing out the rest of the story.

“Yeah, he’s a real pit-bull,” she says shaking her head. “He is going to be lost without your dad to pursue.”

“Well, hopefully you will stay on my side so he doesn’t take out his remaining aggression on me.” I lean in, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

“I really want to believe that you are this great guy who I’m getting to know. That you aren’t just using your charm and looks to throw me off course.” She pauses, searching my eyes for clues.

“We have discussed my checkered past, I have apologized for the way my father treated your family and I promised to make things right. All I can do from here is do the right thing and prove it to you.” I tip up my glass finishing my cocktail and set it down on the bar.

I turn back to her and for a long moment and we simply stare into each other’s eyes as if we are both searching for one another’s true soul. “All relationships are based on trust and trust can only be earned over time,” I add.

“I know. I really want to believe this whole thing is real, but it’s going to take some time for my head to catch up to my heart,” she admits, still looking very hesitant.

“Let’s go get some sleep.” I stand up, taking her by the hand. “I’ll walk you to your room.”

After a quiet ride up the elevator, Mandy remains silent as we walk down the hallway. I’m amazed at how she lost her nerve after realizing that it now was just the two of us. Reaching her door, I cup her cheek and look her directly in the eyes. “You have nothing to be nervous about. I don’t expect anything from you, but I will say I’m very attracted to you.”

I lean into her, pushing her back against the door and grasping her lips with mine. I immediately sense the passion within her kiss and her enthusiasm more than matches mine. We continue to ravish one another despite the passing of other hotel guests in the hallway. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I can feel the bulge growing in my pants as I press against her. Desire begins to boil up inside of me and I realize that this woman has successfully pulled me out of the deadened state that I have been living in for years. I feel sparks, I feel magic… it all feels amazing.

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