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My father, Victor Addison, has never accepted the fact that I don’t want to be part of the family business. After all, I am the oldest son, by nearly twenty minutes, so it is my obligation to run the company that my great grandfather founded in the early 1870’s. He and his oldest son, my grandfather, were among the first to bring telephone service to the northeast. When my father graduated from Yale and joined the company in the mid-eighties, he went full steam into the Cable TV business. By leveraging the balance sheet and buying up numerous competitors he built the largest media company in the country.

He was the third generation of oldest-sons to transform and expand upon the previous generation’s success. After making the cover of Fortune, Forbes and Barron’s on a regular basis, he definitely has the arrogance to go along with his fame and fortune. I honestly can’t stand being in the same room with him anymore.


Oh, my god! I have never been good in pressure situations, but really? Settling back in my seat I can’t believe what just happened. Not only was it the first time I ever swallowed, but it was also my first time doing anything like that with someone I hardly know. My ex-boyfriend would be so pissed right now. He always wanted me to do that for him, but I never liked the idea of swallowing it.

My cheeks begin to heat up as I replay the last five minutes in my head. Even though he’s a gorgeous looking man, that’s definitely not the way to start any type of relationship. I catch myself and laugh. As if there is going to be any type of relationship between the two of us. If he knew why I’m really here, I would be scrambling for a parachute.

I begin thinking about all of the things that have fallen into place for me to end up with this opportunity. And how do I capitalize on it? I panic, drop to my knees and give him a blowjob. A second wave of embarrassment flushes my cheeks. This is exactly why I don’t drink tequila anymore. That blowjob might have saved my ass though. It seems as if he instantly forgot about the fact that he caught me reading his document. If only I would’ve had another minute, I could’ve gotten pictures of the rest of the pages.

After calming myself down, I recline the seat and casually glance back to see if he is still awake. He really did have a beautiful cock and he doesn’t seem to be the arrogant prick that I have read about in the tabloids. If anything, he seems kind of laid back and reserved. I glance over my shoulder once again, turning my head a bit more to get a better look at him. It looks like he is sleeping again. The only noticeable difference from earlier is the subtle grin. It makes his face even more handsome. As if his thick dark hair, gorgeous brown eyes and masculine jawline weren’t already enough. After one last glimpse I turn forward, sitting back in my seat. The last thing I need is for him to open his eyes and catch me staring at him, like some sort of creeper.

Chapter 2


“We are making our final approach to the Geneva Airport and we have been cleared to land,” the Captain’s voice comes over the intercom. “It’s time to wake up kids.” I hear him chuckle before clearing the mic.

Other than a kink in my neck and tingling fingers on my left hand, I feel pretty good. It’s been a while since I strung together more than a few consecutive hours of sleep. A tall glass of bourbon and a good blowjob must be the key to a good night’s sleep.

I wonder why she pulled that report out of my briefcase? I know I put it back before I fell asleep. My mind immediately begins to analyze the bewildering events of the previous night. Oh well, at least I woke up before she had a chance to read much of it. Not that she would understand what it is all about anyway.

“Leave me alone! I feel like total shit!” I hear Liv’s voice coming from the front of the cabin and laugh to myself. I’ll let Mandy deal with her. I grab my briefcase to double-check that my report is still intact and retrieve my phone from my other bag. I haven’t missed any calls. Perfect.

By the time the plane comes to a complete stop, I am ready to roll. “Come on girls, the limo will be here any minute and I want to stop by the hotel to freshen up before my meeting,” I announce after rising from my seat and heading toward them.

“I think she’s going to be sick.” Mandy groans as she tries to help Liv.

“She’ll be fine. Just give her a couple of these.” I pull a bottle of Zantac from my bag and hand it to her.

“He doesn’t even care that I’m dying over here!” she protests, as Mandy attempts to give her a couple of the pills.

“Of course I care Liv but this is self-inflicted, just like every other time we have traveled anywhere together. You know there is nothing worse than waking up with jet lag and a hangover, but you insist on doing it every time.” I pull the latch to release the door, instead of waiting for the ground crew. I can’t get out of here fast enough.

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