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I should be nervous as hell about all that she knows about me, but somehow I actually feel better now that I know who she really is. I think back, trying to remember her as a kid. I remember her having a sister and that they both had dark hair, but that’s about it. It’s crazy to think that now she has the power to put me away. Luckily, she seems to like me.

“What are you looking at?” she asks, before even opening her eyes.

“I’m sorry, you just look so…”

“Hungover?” she quips, opening her eyes. “Ugh, I hate wine hangovers.”

“Beautiful… actually,” I whisper back.

“I’m sure I look incredible after drinking too much and sleeping in my makeup,” she replies, giving me an unconvinced look.

“You do, actually.”

She squeezes my hand and leans back, closing her eyes once again. I can’t seem to take my eyes off of her. Something about her is almost magnetic. It may be the fact that we both come from a very similar background and that our grandfathers were once best friends. Or it could just be the fact that she is simply beautiful inside and out.

When this plane lifted off, I had every intention of having a confrontational blowout with her. However, once we started talking I couldn’t stay angry. Even though I know the only reason she came on this trip was to gather evidence that her boss could use against me. The fact is that my father totally betrayed her family and it seems that she was intent on seeking justice. I wonder how long she has been planning this? Months? Years?

“You’re still staring.” She opens her eyes and turns toward me with a smile crossing her lips.

“I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” I give her hand another squeeze before retrieving my phone. “You better check to see if Liv is still alive over there.” After the funeral I need to have that talk with her.

While Mandy wakes up Liv, I give Mom a call. I’m hoping that she has calmed down and pulled herself together. I hate to see her suffer any more because of him.

“Hi Trey, are you home?” she asks.

“Not quite, but we should be landing shortly. Do you need help making arrangements or anything?”

“No! That bitchy girlfriend of his has taken control of the whole affair. Who the hell does she think she is? She wasn’t even married to him!” I can hear the exasperation in her voice, but it’s actually kind of a relief that we don’t have to pick out a coffin, vault and make all the necessary arrangements. This will be a huge funeral.

“Let her do it. You and I will be in the front row at the funeral, so who cares if his fiancé makes the arrangements.” I reason with her. “I wouldn’t have a clue on any of that stuff anyway. Do you need me to stop by tonight?”

“No, I’m fine. Charles is here,” she confides in a quieter tone. She has never admitted to Charles being anything more than a friend. That way she can pretend that Dad is the only one in a new relationship. In reality, it’s most likely the age of his fiancé that bothers her because she is nearly twenty years younger than her. Charles on the other hand has to be in his sixties, but he treats Mom the way she deserves to be treated.

“Alright, we are going to check into the Four Seasons then,” I tell her feeling slightly relieved. “I was able to transfer our reservation from Geneva to New York.”

“Too bad you had to cancel your vacation,” Mom replies, as if that is even a minor concern of mine. “I know you’ve been needing one.”

“Yeah, but Lake Geneva isn’t going anywhere. Once we get through this, I’ll regroup and maybe head back there for another week.”

Mom then went off on one of her tangents about how we need to take time for ourselves because life is short. I know that fact that I am almost twenty-seven and completely disinterested in a serious relationship has her worried. “I can’t wait to meet your girlfriend,” she says, recapturing my attention. “Olivia is it?”

“Yes, Mom. Just call her Liv.”

“Who are you talking to?” Liv perks up after hearing me utter her name.

“It’s Mom,” I tell her, surprised to see her up and moving around. “She’s excited to meet you.”

While I am finishing my call with Mom, a much more interesting conversation breaks out between Mandy and Liv. Liv is trying to convince her to stay in New York for the weekend, instead of catching a flight back to California. It mirrors a thought that has been rolling around in the back of my mind ever since I woke up. I’m glad Liv is inviting her to stay. It might have been a little awkward for me to do so.

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