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“After spending the entire day with Liv, I would much rather have dinner with you.” I pick up a piece of tuna, dip it in the sauce and slide it onto my tongue. “Wow, that sauce is amazing!”

“Japanese-fusion is one of my favorites and this place is supposed to be one of the best in the world. Unfortunately, Liv is never up for trying anything new, unless of course it’s suggested by one of her snobby friends.” Trey sighs before tossing a piece of octopus into his mouth. “Mmm, that’s amazing too.”

When the waiter comes back to check on us, Trey asks him to send another margarita and a filet mignon to the room. “Please make sure it’s cooked medium-well. All this raw sashimi seems to have sent her over the edge.”

“I will see to it, sir,” he replies with a gracious nod.

I’m impressed that even after Liv acted like a spoiled teenage brat, he took the time to order her a dinner that he is sure she will like. Hell, he’s even sending her another margarita. Of course if I were in his shoes, I would probably keep her liquored up the whole trip.


As Mandy and I try all three salads, devour the sashimi and order a second round of drinks, a strange sensation comes over me. I suddenly recall the feeling that I had on my very first date. I was seventeen at the time and it was my first official date with the only girl I have ever loved. It was an amazing night that should’ve been the beginning of an incredible new chapter in our relationship. However, it wasn’t meant to be.

“Are you okay?” Mandy asks, apparently sensing my distraction.

“I’m fine.” I pick up my glass and take another shot of Saki.

“You look so sad,” she presses, with a concerned look in her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I was having a good time and it suddenly reminded me of someone.” I pick up the menu and create a distraction by looking through the main courses.

After a long pause, Mandy finally asks the question that has apparently been on her mind all day. “Why are you and Liv together?”

Her question catches me a little off-guard. “Why am I with Liv? It’s complicated,” I tell her, not really wanting to explain myself to a complete stranger.

“I’ll bet it’s not that complicated,” she asserts with a look of confidence. “She’s hot looking and you’re rich. The problem is, you make each other miserable.”

“I’ve made some mistakes that I will probably never recover from,” I confess. “So, why do you think it’s me who makes Liv miserable?”

“She knows you don’t love her and that one day you will leave her behind. She’s not getting any younger,” she replies, tilting her head and giving me a glare.

“She’s only twenty-four for god sake. Don’t tell me her clock is already ticking,” I gasp, revealing a lack of understanding.

“Our clocks are always ticking, because our mothers are always asking when we are going to bring home the one,” she replies, picking up her glass and downing the rest of her Mijiu. “My mom was more upset than me when I broke up with my last boyfriend.”

“Why did you break up?” I ask, curious as to who initiated it.

“He couldn’t handle my schedule when I was working at the same time as finishing law school.” Her pupils immediately dilate, indicating that she didn’t intend to share that fact with me.

“Law school? You’re an attorney?” I ask, completely shocked by the fact.

“Yeah, I just have a government job at this point,” she says sheepishly.

The government? Seriously? “What do you do for the government?” I ask, my suspicions growing stronger by the second.

“I’m basically a case worker,” she replies, trying to downplay the importance of her job.

“A case worker, huh?” I pause to take a long sip of Saki. “What kind of cases do you work on?”

“You know California.” She shrugs. “There are always plenty of legal issues.”

“Oh, like immigration issues or something?” I ask, expressing some wishful thinking.

“I’m just starting out, so it’s nothing overly exciting. What do you do in addition to flying around the world and acting important?” she asks, once again seeming very eager to change the topic.

“I’m an entrepreneur. I invest and consult for some of the most successful biotechnology companies in the world.” I tell her, making it sound completely legitimate.

“That sounds exciting, but that’s a very risky industry,” she says, echoing my father’s sentiments.

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