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I’m debt free now. I don’t have any worries anymore. I’m grounded. My husband isn’t looking for another woman. He only wants me. I feel relaxed.

Walking across the stage, I scan the audience. My eyes fall upon my grand-parents, my father, Karena, Bryce, Valen, Vicky, my in-laws, and my wonderful husband Hayden Eric Gaster. Second best day of my life. The first best day was when I married my handsome soul mate.

Standing at the podium about to give my speech I felt moved. I worked so hard to get to this point in my life.

This is a wonderful accomplishment to stand here before this spectacular class of future leaders. I saw my life going down a different road. I never thought my mother wouldn’t be here to share this moment with me. My parents were both educators and only ever wanted the best for me. However, life throws you curve balls. It is up to you to hit a homerun or strike out. I chose to hit homerun after homerun.

The crowd applauded

I was a stripper for four years. I paused. I was trying to hold back the tears.

I stripped to pay my father’s medical bills. He never asked me to do that. He actually didn’t know I was stripping until today. I admitted the truth to him right before the ceremony. It was my decision. I wanted to help my father who has done so much for me in my life.

Not long ago, I met the most stubborn man. He taught me how to trust, not be afraid to lean on someone in times of need. He showed me how to love. I am thankful for my husband Hayden Gaster!

The crowd cheered. Hayden’s smile was wide. He mouthed I love you.

You can still lean on someone and be your own person. Leaning on someone from time to time doesn’t make you weak. It is up to you to work hard for what you want in life. Don’t be afraid of what is to come. Welcome change.

Go forth future leaders of the world, work hard for what you want. If you strike out, keep stepping to the plate and hit that ball until it is a home run!

The entire audience stood to their feet cheering.

I met my family in the reception area after graduation.

Hayden pulled me into his arms, holding me for a long time. “I am so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Hayden.”

One by one my family hugged me congratulating me for a job well done. I love my new family.

In my beautiful pink graduation dress, I stood before Curtis Bottner. He sat zip tied to a chair in the middle of a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Placing my hands behind my back I walked toward him.

My eyes fell over his tortured body. “Look at you. You disgust me.”

He could only open one eye, his face was bloody from the beatings he endured for days. His t-shirt was torn and covered in blood stains. He wasn’t wearing shoes either. His feet looked like they’d been baked.

“You took advantage of me. I thought we were friends. Why couldn’t you just be my friend? I learned sugar coating shit should never be done. Muthafucka’s just don’t understand when someone is trying to be nice. The only reason I didn’t tell you about Hayden is because I felt guilty for falling in love with him and not you. I understand you’ve known me for four years and you wanted a relationship with me, but truthfully, I wasn’t attracted to you. I saw you as a friend. That was the extent of our relationship. You took things to a whole new level.”

I paced back and forth in front of him.

“Wearing a disguise watching me strip in secret, was weird. You never once mentioned you knew I stripped.”

“I thought you would be embarrassed about your job. I didn’t want to scare you off,” Curtis admitted.

I glanced back a Hayden who stood patiently in silence.

“Hayden met me in the strip club. It didn’t matter if I was embarrassed. He faced me head on. I’m not saying if you would have done the same I would have seen you differently. No, my feelings were different for Hayden. I kissed him first. In return he was attracted to me too.

You came to my house and drugged me!” A tear fell from my eye hitting the cement.

“You took advantage of me.” My hands extended.

“How could you touch me? You violated me!” I cried.

“I’m sorry! You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I had to.”

My fists clinched. “Bullshit!” I snapped.

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