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I glanced over where Hayden was previously standing, then in front of me. He was now on bended knee. A sign truck parked right beside us shielding everyone’s view.

“Lydia, the moment our lips met, I knew we were meant to be. The long hours in a day have proven to be too long to be apart. I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” His facial features were full of warmth.

I was frozen.

Hayden opened the blue box. “Will you marry me?”

I was silent only for a moment. I nodded my head. “Yes, Hayden!” He slid a beautiful pear-shaped diamond ring onto my finger. He stood pulling me close, kissing my lips.

“I love you Lydia,”

My lips brushed against his. “I love you too Hayden.” The driver in the sign truck recorded everything. It was all a part of Hayden’s plans today.



Later that night I stood in the mirror placing diamond encrusted earrings in my ears. Hayden stepped behind me zipping up the nude and gold semi sheer embroidered long sleeve short bodice dress with a revealing cleavage. “You are a knock out.”

Here in London, England I was who Hayden wanted me to be, the sexy young fiancé on his arm. He wanted to show me off wherever we went. He enjoyed not having to visit me in the strip club. Honestly, I enjoyed it too. Hayden wore a custom navy suit. He was handsome as always.

We arrived twenty minutes later outside another exclusive club. It was a little nippy tonight. Once inside we were escorted by a hostess. The gentlemen sat at a crème large round open booth right off the dance floor. The men stood as Hayden introduced me. The last man I was introduced to, I knew exactly who he was.

“Hello, Glenn.”

I sat in the plush booth. Hayden hesitantly sat at my side.

“Lydia. Of course, I never knew that was your real name. I only knew you as Scrumptious. And scrumptious you are.” His eyes roamed my body hungrily.

“You are the most beautiful woman in that entire strip club.”

“When I’m in town I request she dance for me,” he stated to the men around him.”

I didn’t know what to do. I was frozen in place. Working at the world renowned Make It Rain strip club has followed me all the way to London. I was embarrassed more so for Hayden than myself.

“It’s good to see you again Glenn,” I smiled.

“I wasn’t aware you offered escorting services. I knew some of the other women did.”

He glanced at Hayden then back at me. “If you are in town all weekend, maybe I can request your services.” His grin was wide.

I smiled.

I hid my left hand under my clutch removing my engagement ring slipping it into my purse. I could feel Hayden’s burning anger. “I am only working for Hayden this weekend.”

Glenn leaned over whispering something into Hayden’s ear. Glenn reclined against the cushions releasing a hardy devilish laugh.

“No, I wouldn’t know. I’m not having sex with her.”

Back straight Hayden ran his finger within his collar. Glenn and the other men laughed.

“This shit, isn’t funny. Lydia is trying to protect my career. She is not an escort! She is my fiancé!” Hayden dug into my purse, removing the ring, sliding it back onto my finger.

“Glenn, I’m now well aware you know her from the strip club, but she is with me now.” He pointed at his chest.

“That shit is over!” He stared into each of their eyes clearing the air.

“I respect you all as business men. I’m asking you not to disrespect my fiancé.” Hayden stood to his feet pulling me with him.

“Apologize to Lydia for the disrespectful shit you said to her.”

“Glenn’s brown face was fueled with anger. “I’m not apologizing to a stripper!”

“Then I will end our business relationship. You can’t find another hedge fund manager as good as me. Think quick. Either you all apologize or my company walks!”

“I am sorry for insulting you Lydia,” Glenn said through gritted teeth.

The other men followed suit apologizing to me, expeditiously. Their pale faces were flush red. They couldn’t believe how Hayden spoke to them.

Hayden held my hand, buttoning his suit jacket with the other. “Enjoy yourselves tonight. I know I will.” Hayden stalked off pulling me with him.

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