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Hayden clenched his fists, dropping his head. “Lydia, I need you to form your own decision. I don’t know what else I can do to make you understand. I’m not going anywhere. I have to wait until Thursday to get to know you. I won’t ask you to sleep over anymore. If you want to, you will. If you don’t, you won’t. I’m losing my mind just thinking about it.” Hayden rose walking to the bottom of the stairs.

The neighbors peeked out of their windows and walked past the house waving. They are nosey, wondering who Hayden is. It didn’t help, Valen stood outside the Bentley truck awaiting Hayden.

“Come here.” He reached his hand out for mine.

I walked toward him. Hayden pulled me close. “Which truck do you want to drive?”

I stared into his blue eyes. “Neither.”

He smiled. “I won’t leave you without a vehicle.” His eyebrows scrounged together. “I have to know you are safe.”

“Hayden, you told my father I was your woman. Last night, I remember telling you we couldn’t talk anymore.”

“We both know you didn’t want that. Once again your actions tell me different.” His eyes dropped, staring at my hands. I was subconsciously massaging his chest.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him relax. “Lydia, I love being with you. I want to make you happy,” he whispered.

He stepped back. “Do you want Valen to drive you or do you want the keys to the Bentley truck?”

“I can drive myself.”

Hayden turned, motioning for Valen to come over.

“Valen, give Lydia the keys.”

“Hello, Ms. Carmichael.”

I smiled. “Hi Valen.”

Hayden gave Valen the keys to the Suburban. He hopped in the truck waiting for Hayden.

Hayden turned to me. “The extra key on the ring is to my condo. You can come over anytime you like. Even when I’m not home.”

I shook my head no. “Hayden.”

“Have a good day Lydia.” He turned then looked back. “You know what, no. Fuck this.” Hayden gripped my face taking my lips with a forceful need. My kiss was returned just as forceful. I love this man. I don’t want to be without Hayden. My hands snuggly held his waist. I didn’t want him to release my lips. Hayden took a step back. He grabbed my hand placing it against his heart.

“This is how you affect me.”

His heart raced.

In turn, my heart rate increased. It’s beautiful how much he likes me. My free hand ran down the side of his face.

“Goodbye Lydia.” Hayden turned on his heels, then climbed into the back seat of the Suburban.

I was in a trance after Hayden left me standing near the steps, one hand on my lips. It was time to let down my guard.

“He’s in love with you.”

I blew my steamy cheesy grits. “Dad, that’s impossible. We’ve only known each other for a week.

He sipped his orange juice. “I saw that look in his eyes. The same one your mother’s father told me I had for her.”

I blushed as I sipped my orange juice.

My dad and I had a good day. Work went well that night. Hayden didn’t show up nor did he call. Lying in my bed, I stared at the ceiling thinking about Hayden until I fell asleep. My dreams were consumed with Hayden’s hands and lips all over my body. I shot up again. Jumping out of bed, I slipped into camouflage leggings, a t-shirt, and sneakers. I stuffed more clothes into a bag, retrieved my back pack, then headed out of the door.

Fifteen minutes later, I came to a stop outside Hayden’s condo. The door man opened the truck door. I climbed out of the luxury truck.

“Hello. Oh wait. Before you take the truck, I need to grab the key off the ring to Mr. Gaster’s condo.”

“Not to worry Ms. Carmichael. The staff is instructed to take care of you whenever you arrive. Do you have any luggage?”

My heart beat quick. The staff knows who I am.

“I have a duffel bag on the back seat.”

Hayden knew what he was doing giving me the Bentley truck to drive. I felt like I was driving on clouds today.

“My name is Spencer, Ms. Carmichael. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you.”

He retrieved the keys from the ignition and the bag off the back seat. “Follow me please.”

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