Page 4 of The Deal

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She pressed her thumb to her clit.

"I'm coming!" she gasped. "I'm coming!" she said again on a breathless moan. A hot plume of sensation burst up through her pelvis and spine. Panting loudly, she slumped forward.

"Sweet dreams," he said. "I'll see you on Friday."

Arrested, she stared at the screen. "Lucas?"

He'd already logged off, leaving her with sticky fingers, a racing pulse and a sense of extreme longing for his physical weight over her.

Friday couldn't come soon enough.

Chapter Two

"Wow, impressive building." Sam, Naomi's college buddy, stood at her side looking up at the tower that housed the Eaglestone Agency offices.

Naomi nodded and stared up at the glass and polished steel office tower across the street. All she could think of was the man who was in there, Lucas. The London traffic roared past as she waited for the pedestrian light to change to green, but the hustle of the city couldn’t quell the longing she felt for Lucas – his touch, his glance, his firm command.

The clock had been turned back. Two weeks before she'd stood in the same spot, headed to an appointment with the Eaglestone Agency. Lucas Eaglestone had derailed her life that day, whisking her into a decadent affair, introducing her to the joys of being his submissive. This time the meeting would pan out as it should have the first time.

She'd traveled down the night before to stay with her friend, Sam. Sam had listened agog to the whole story about Lucas and their affair. The presence of her friend at her side had kept her levelheaded up to this point. Naomi turned to her. "Thanks for coming with me."

Sam laughed, tossing back her blonde bob. "I had to make sure you didn't chicken out and do another runner."

"There's no risk of that," Naomi reassured her. "I'm here today because I want it be about my product." She knew she was trying to convince herself. Lucas invaded her thoughts at every moment, even when she should be rehearsing her pitch. "When the private life gets involved in business it's messy, complicated."

The ache she'd felt in her chest for the past few days made itself known again. She loved him, she admitted it. She'd fallen hard and fast – she wouldn't let her emotions compromise her business plan though. If there was any sign of Lucas pushing this, she wouldn't be able to continue. It would be hard for him to relinquish control, especially as his own personal needs were involved, but he'd promised.

Sam nodded up at the building. "Three of our year mates tried to get representation at Eaglestone and failed. If you get a contract you'll be a groundbreaker."

"Let's not make any assumptions."

"Okay." Sam rolled her eyes. "I'll hold back on taking my lunch break until you call by the gallery. You can tell me all about it over sushi."

"It's a date."

Sam repositioned her backpack and looked at her watch.

"You should get on your way," Naomi added. "I don't want you to be late for work."

They hugged and agreed a meeting place and time.

Sam winked at her. "If you get a better offer again, like you did last time, just text me and let me know."

"I'm not seeing Lucas until this evening, so that's not an issue."

Gripping the handle of her portfolio case, she crossed the road.

It was like a retake, and the feeling of déjà vu made her nervous all over again. She made her way through the glass entrance doors and across the vast foyer area to the elevators.

The foyer was busy and chatter surrounded her as she waited for the doors to open. When they did, she scanned the occupants looking for a familiar face. No matter how hard she tried to focus on the meeting ahead, it was Lucas she was seeking at the periphery of her vision. Put Lucas out of mind, at least for a while, she told herself.

The ride to the thirty-ninth floor was far too quick. She stepped out of the elevator, took a deep breath and prepared herself. Once again, she glanced at the framed prints of Eaglestone clients and their designs displayed on large white pillars. Would her Highlands Inspired range stand amongst them, or not? She'd soon know.

As she approached, Naomi looked at the reception desk. It was here she'd first seen Lucas. This time, the receptionist was alone at her desk. Naomi couldn't help looking for him though, and even as the receptionist guided her to Georgio Melandros's office, she took every opportunity to seek out his image, glancing through the glass walls into the offices and meeting rooms they passed. Several were occupied, but Lucas was nowhere to be seen.

He really was trying to give her the exclusive interview with Georgio Melandros that she'd asked for.

"Here we are," the receptionist said and knocked on the door before opening it.
