Page 28 of The Deal

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So that's what she really thought, Naomi realized, that Lucas was happy. And it didn’t suit his ex one little bit.

"Clara," Lucas said, "we're not in competition. I'm there for Toby as much as you need me to be. I agree that I've got lucky meeting Naomi, but I've been alone a while."

"I'm sorry. I suppose I have been a bit...unreasonable." Clara started rooting around in her handbag, her voice faltering as she spoke. She pulled out a tissue and began sobbing into it.

Oh dear god. Naomi rose to her feet, unwilling to watch Lucas's ex sniveling, nor Lucas trying to console her. "If you'll excuse me, I think I've said all that needs to be said. You two can sort your differences without me."

Lucas rose to her feet. "Naomi?"

She shook her head at him, her emotions far too unsteady to talk any more. She gestured at his ex. "This is obviously way overdue."

"You're right. Thank you. But won’t you stay?"

"No! I'm leaving you two to communicate without me as mediator." She stared at him, trying to exert her mood without being as much of a drama queen as his ex. Could he let her dictate terms in this situation? She could see he was struggling with it, but she needed out.

Concern marked his brow. "You and I need to talk too. I have your contract."

Again it felt like bait, like the first time he'd offered her one. Clara had dripped her poison and even though she was backing down it was too soon. "Not negotiable right now. I need to clear my head. Consider it a dealbreaker."

Shock registered in his expression.

He lifted his hands in a signal of surrender.

She moved fast, out the door and down the corridor in case he came after her. She didn’t want to talk to him right now.

What a mess. It annoyed her that he hadn't warned her, at the very least.

Clara was there first, she was prepared. Had he planned it that way?

Her thoughts were in turmoil as she stormed out of the building into the busy London street. She walked fast, and in the general direction of the nearby tube station, but when she got there she couldn't face descending into the throng.

She needed space to think. Her home in Edinburgh – everything she knew and understood – called to her. She kept walking, but a few minutes later found herself phoning home as she walked.

Megan answered the shop phone.

"Megan, hi, it's Naomi."

"Woohoo, Is it done? Have you signed the contract?"

Naomi cringed, remembering the last text she'd sent Megan was to tell her she was on her way to complete the contract. "Not yet. I just had to hear your voice and see how you were."

"Is that so? Hmm. It sounds like there might be more to it than that. How about you tell me what's bugging you? I can always tell when you're fidgety… is it something to do with Lucas?"

Naomi's paced slowed to halt and she slumped against a nearby bus shelter. "Yes, well, yes."

"Your last text said the contract was next."

"We did get an offer of representation." She forced herself to be upbeat for Megan. "I'm so happy."

"You don't sound happy."

"It's's hard to explain. He arranged some meeting with me and his ex-wife. It was awful."

"Okaaaaaaay. And did he say why?"

Naomi began to feel silly very quickly, but she was annoyed and she needed to vent. "He wanted us to agree to be civil to each other."

