Page 26 of The Deal

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That sounded like advice she could have done with three weeks earlier, when Lucas was about to step into her life.

"When opportunities to showcase you come by we can't afford to pause or falter," Georgio added. "Now, see the area over there by the escalators." He gestured to guide her. "One of my successful ventures with a client was where we organized a unique display stand placed at the bottom and top of the escalators, so buyers were looking at the unique features of the items on display as they arrived onto that floor. That would work well for your designs. The colors and the textures are so eye-catching." He pointed at a suitable space.

Naomi nodded. "I see how that'd work. I'd never realized before."

"Oh, lookie. See the guy over there? He's the floor manager." Georgio pointed from behind the clothes rack they were stationed at. "We used to have a thing," he added, lowering his shades down his nose so she could see his eye roll.

"A thing?" Naomi laughed.

"A liaison dangerous."

"Why was it dangerous, because you have a work connection?" The question was as much about her relationship with Lucas as it was about Georgio and his fling with the floor manager. Doubt still trickled through her mind when she questioned things. She'd heard it said often enough – don’t get involved with someone you work with. Yet Lucas had held fast to his promise about staying out of it. Georgio was her man.

"Good lord, no. That wouldn’t be a problem. It was dangerous because Freddie is so gorgeous. I lose my heart far too quickly."

You and me both, Naomi reflected.

Georgio put his fist to his chest, but he didn’t take his eyes off Freddie.

Freddie was indeed a fine looking man, Naomi noticed.

"Oh my, he's coming this way." Georgio faced away, and grabbed Naomi's hand. "Here honey," he said in a loud and rather dreadful American accent, "I've found the perfect gift for your Auntie Nora."

As they walked away, they both giggled.

"He's handsome," Naomi whispered.

Georgio nodded, and winked. "Right," he said, looking at his watch, "I'd better put you in a taxi. You have a meeting with Lucas at three. He's got your offer of representation and contract done, all signed and ready for you."

"Aren't you coming back with me?"

"Lucas said he'll see you on his own. I think he likes you."

That set her pulse racing. Did Lucas have some plan underway? Her libido responded rapidly.

Georgio pulled his cap low on his brow and adjusted his shirt. "I think I might swing by and say hi to Freddie."

"That sounds like a great idea." Had he worn the outfit with Freddie in mind? The idea tickled Naomi. Instinctively, she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "For luck. And thanks for this morning, it's been great."

"Lots more fun ahead," he assured her.

While she was in the taxi, she kept thinking about being alone with Lucas. That alone was exciting enough, and she would sign her contact with him today. She thought about Megan, who was manning the shop in Edinburgh, and sent her a text message to let her know she was about to sign the contract. Megan would be excited to know it was happening. It signaled change for them all. Megan would take over management of Drusilla's in Edinburgh while Naomi worked with Georgio to expand and launch the brand internationally.

Once again she walked through the reception and into the elevator, headed for the Eaglestone Suite. The receptionist led her to Lucas's office and she stepped confidently through the door, thanking the receptionist as she went.

Lucas was at his desk and watched her as she approached.

She drew to a sudden halt when she realized Lucas already had someone with him. Clara.

Naomi stared, disbelieving at first. Her heartbeat rapidly went off kilter.

Lucas rose to his feet and gestured at the empty chair facing his desk.

Naomi stared at him in horror. Surely he couldn't be serious? He couldn't intend to have them both sitting next to each other on the other side of his desk?

She shook her head, vehemently. "I didn't realize you had company. I should leave."

Lucas inclined his head, his expression earnest. "I asked Clara here so we could meet for just a few minutes, the three of us."
