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“I’m not leaving you.” I searched the dark, hoping for help, but fearing more violence. “Someone heard the shots, they had to—”

My head jerked back as a hand wrapped around my hair and pulled me to my knees. I looked up, expecting to see a guy holding a semiautomatic, some thug my father had crossed finally getting his revenge.

It was my mother, holding a handgun. A shadowy figure stood behind her, but I couldn’t make out any features.

I stopped caring when two more shots fired, one to the back of each of my ankles.

Pain exploded through my Achilles tendons, and then everything went black.


Hallie was gone.

In an unthinking panic, I covered the whole house twice before I thought to wake up Michael and Kaleb. “Hallie’s gone. None of the guards have seen her, and the lights are off in her studio.”

“I’ll go get Lily. Hang tight, brother, and we’ll find her.” Kaleb threw on clothes and headed for the girls’ room.

Michael didn’t inflict small talk on me while I waited. I paced. My skin felt too small for my frame.

“Dune.” Lily entered the room, followed by Kaleb. She had a US atlas in her arms.

“Please tell me you found her.”

“I did, but …”

When she hesitated, I growled, “Tell me.”

“She’s alive, and she was near the river. By the warehouses behind the French Market.”

“Who she’s with?”

Lily bit her lip. “Her mother.”

“Wait—you said she ‘was’ near the river. What does that mean?” I asked.

“Now I think she’s in it. They must be on a boat.”

I cursed and punched my fist into the nearest wall. Teague had thrown my vulnerability in my face at the park, and now she was using it against me. What if Hallie encountered a rip world? What if she couldn’t get out? My thoughts scrambled for purchase before finding a solid place to land. “Send Poe. He can get to her quick.”

“Problem.” Kaleb scrubbed his hand across his chin. “Poe is missing, too.”

“Let me look for him.” Lily opened the atlas and searched. “Nothing. It’s not good, but it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s dead.”

“He could be in a veil. That would keep Lily from being able to find him.” Michael clapped a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Maybe he’s already trying to find Hallie. Hang tight. We’ll all go get dressed so we can head down to the wharf.”

“Dune.” Emerson appeared in the doorway, a blanket around her shoulders, tears in her eyes. “They found the head of security in the courtyard. He’s been shot and he’s on his way to the hospital. It doesn’t look good.”

My body went numb. Em was holding back. “What else?”

She crossed the room and put one hand on my arm. “It wasn’t just Teague. Jack. And he didn’t bother wiping Carl’s memory. He … as he was going into the ambulance, Carl told us that Teague shot Hallie. Twice.”

Emerson’s tears streaked down her cheeks as she held up a pair of toe shoes. They were splattered with blood.

“Meet me at the river.” I took off at a run, and stopped briefly at the door to look back at Lily. “Keep ahold of that atlas. I’ll call you for an update when I get there.”

Chapter 24


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