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“I hope I’m around to try later. ’Cause now I have to talk to your dad.”

As we approached Hallie’s house, I didn’t know if I was more afraid of pissing off Paul Girard or pissing on myself.

“I’ll be right there.” She pointed to her dance studio. “I’ll leave my phone on in case you need a lift to the hospital.”

“You aren’t helping.”

“I wasn’t trying to. I don’t want you to sustain injury.” She held up crossed fingers, and then she was gone.

I wished I’d added another swipe of deodorant as I walked to Girard’s office and knocked on the open door. “Sir? I’d like a minute, if you have one?”

“Come in.”

I handed over the crystal ball we’d stolen from the hotel.

He nodded and put it on his desk. “No problems?”

“No, sir.” I didn’t move.

“Is there something else?”

“Yes, sir.” I didn’t mean to blurt it out, but my mouth had other ideas. “I want to bring in some of my friends—colleagues—from the Hourglass.”

He studied me for a second. “Can’t handle this by yourself?”

“It’s not that.” I pulled at the collar of my shirt, and then dropped my hands, trying for confident body language. I just needed my armpits to agree. “There was a development last night. A serious one.”

I explained the possessions and watched him pale.

“Is my daughter all right?” he demanded, standing up and starting for the door.

“Wait.” I held up my hand. “She’s fine. She’s in her studio.”

Now he stopped cold. “Does she know you’re telling me this?”

I shook my head.

“But she’s okay?”

“Yes, Mr. Girard. I swear.”

“Trying to get back in my good graces?” He crossed the room to a table that held crystal tumblers and an almost empty bottle of Maker’s Mark, poured a glass, and looked me over. “You broke your promise to me in the first week of your employment. The only reason you’re still here is because Hallie drives a hard bargain.”

“No, sir. Hallie is the priority. The protocol needs to change. I’m the only person here who can see the same things she can, besides Poe, and they aren’t on speaking terms.” That you know about.

He took a drink. “Your reserves. How many are there?”


“I have to go out of town for a couple of days. I was content to leave Hallie in the care of my security staff, since that’s the way we usually handle things, but I don’t think that’s going to cut it.” He rubbed his upper lip. Took another drink. Paced. “I can hire all the bodyguards I want, but they don’t know the players or the stakes, and there’s an advantage to numbers.”

“I’m not sure I understand what you mean, sir.”

“Are your friends male or female?”

“Two of each.”

He nodded. “We have three fully equipped guest rooms, as long as you don’t mind doubling up.”

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