Page 37 of Roughing

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Jessica shrugs. “She shows up at his house a lot. I can’t say for sure if anything happens between them. But you know, it’s Bash.”

Her confession causes my stomach to churn, my breakfast about to make a reappearance. I tense up, now aggravated with Bash for leaving me for Harper, of all people.

“Don’t worry about Harper,” Clay says with a genuine smile. “She’s just jealous. Bash will deal with her.”

What was I thinking? Allowing Bash into my life again sets me up for failure. He hasn’t changed. Has he? When we’re alone, I see the difference in him. I see the old Bash, the guy I used to know. But what if this is a mistake? I’m so confused now that our relationship has extended outside the walls of my dorm room.

We come from two different sides of the track. A relationship between us cou

ld never work. My life is not a fairy tale. I’m not supposed to have a rag to riches happily ever after. Bash will marry a girl like Harper—rich, beautiful, and down for anything. Where do I fit into the equation?

I like him a lot. Those old feelings are still there. I could love him again, the way I did once. But is he worthy of my love? Can I trust him this time? Knowing the truth about that night helps. But it doesn’t repair the damage it did to my heart over night. Of course, Bash’s ability to give me multiple orgasms is a bonus. How can I forget that?

I finish my eggs in silence. By the looks I give Jessica, she knows I want to be left alone. The awkwardness at the table ebbs away, their conversations blending with the noise of the cafeteria. I’m no longer the center of attention, which makes it the perfect time to leave.

When I stand, Jessica lifts her tray to join me and flashes a bright smile.

“Stay.” I force a fake smile to mirror hers. “I have to run to class. I’ll see you at home.”

We’ve been friends long enough for her to pick up on my irritation. She was there through all the dark days after Bash wrecked me. If anyone knows how much he can hurt me, it’s Jessica. I need to retreat if I plan to keep my sanity in check. Sitting here with his friends, waiting for him like a lovesick puppy, makes me look pathetic. And I’m not pathetic. At least not anymore.

“Okay.” Jessica bobs her head, deflated.

I zip through the crowded halls, down the stairs, and out the front door. Even with the humidity and end-of-summer heat, the fresh air feels good. I can breathe easier now that I’m away from everyone. But Bash had better have a damn good reason for bailing on me for Harper. Because, this time, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Chapter 11


“Harper, knock it the fuck off,” I say, shaking her hand away from me. “This shit has got to stop. You can’t attack Tori anytime you feel threatened by her. You and I are not together. You are not my girlfriend, and I am not your property.”

“You are mine for as long as I say so,” she yells, attracting the attention of the people passing by us on the busy street.

Once we reach an alleyway between the buildings, I pull her to the side, out of sight from onlookers.

Lowering my voice, I keep my tone firm, serious. “Listen to me, and listen to me good, because I am not going to repeat myself again. You will not speak to Tori ever again. Are we clear?”

She scrunches her nose in disgust with her arms folded over her chest. “You’re not the boss of me, Bash. And we have an agreement. Are you going to break it for Tori?”

“You know what, I don’t care anymore.” I throw my hands up in the air, beyond frustrated. “We’ve been playing this game for far too long anyway. I can’t do this with you. If you want to tell Tori, go right ahead. It’s about time I come clean with her. She should know the truth.”

“Bash, no,” she whines, tugging at my shirt to pull me closer. I slip from her grasp, but she grabs my hip to get my attention. “Please, Bash.” Her voice sounds so pathetic, desperate.

Every time I threaten to end our arrangement, Harper backs down. But part of me is still afraid of what she might do if I walk away for good and end my suffering. Harper has money and everything she has ever wanted. Except for me. That’s why she used sex as a bargaining chip when she discovered my secret. Harper thinks I’m her end game because we come from wealthy families that have similar interests.

But she was never even a thought when I had planned my future. From the second I met her, it was always Tori. Like an idiot, I let her slip away. I might’ve made a mistake once by leaving her alone, allowing her to heal on her own, but I never want a repeat.

I spent years filling the void of losing Tori, waiting my time for a second chance. In all honesty, I never thought she would speak to me again. If I hadn’t convinced Jessica and Clay to help me, I doubt Tori would have come to my game. She hates football, and up until a few days ago, she hated me even more.

While Harper is hanging onto me, I can use this to my advantage. She wants me in her life, and I want her to keep her mouth shut. But there’s no way I am ever touching her again. Now that I’m back with Tori, I don’t want another girl. Only Tori.

“We’re done, Harper.” I lean down so that she has no trouble reading the words on my lips. “I never even liked fucking you.”

“What?” She chokes out, her face twisting into confusion. “We both know that’s not true. You have no problem fucking my friends or me. As much as you want to deny it, you like my pussy just as much as it likes you. I know you like all the dirty little things I do with you and to you. You like to bend me over, spank my ass, and pull my hair when you come, so that you can show me I’m your dirty girl.”

“The only reason I fuck you from behind is so I don’t have to look at your face,” I spit back.

She looks as though she wants to cry. But she won’t. Harper is the biggest Ice Queen I have ever met. The cold practically runs through her veins.
