Page 20 of Hot Single Daddy

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When I sneak a glance at my friend, I see that she hasn’t moved yet. She’s still pale and frozen with surprise, barely able to digest what just happened. Finally, I get my clothes straightened and chance another quick glance her way.

“Hi Faith. Um, are you okay?”

She lets out a choked gurgle that doesn’t even resemble a sentence. Marcus chuckles deep in his chest and puts an arm about my shoulder.

“Let’s go into the living room,” he growls, guiding me on my stiff legs. Meanwhile, Faith follows behind us, completely silent.

My stomach sinks. Is my buddy mad at me? I can’t lose my best friend over a guy, and yet, this is the man I love, who also happens to be her father. The connections are dizzying, and I shiver. Oh god, what’s about to happen? I’m certainly not looking forward to this confrontation.

Faith takes a seat on the sofa gingerly and stares at her dad, shooting daggers with her eyes.

“So, when you said it would all make sense in a minute, this is what you meant.”

Marcus nods, still looking casual and relaxed. “Yep.”

“So you guys have been using these together?” she asks, pointing to a heap on the couch. “No need to tell me how, but those are yours, correct?”

Now, it’s my turn to let out a horrified gasp as my cheeks flame red. Oh no, is that what I think it is? Marcus keeps our assortment of sex toys in his closet for when I come over for hot play. I begged him to lock them up, but he said that no one ever goes in his closet anyways, so they’d be safe. Clearly, they weren’t safe at all, and now we have a lot of explaining to do. I open my mouth to begin apologizing, but Marcus beats me to the punch.

“Faith, it’s time that you knew. Bella and I have been dating for the last few months, and yes, we have an active and inventive sex life. We enjoy using toys because they add a depth and excitement that’s difficult to describe.”

I go completely red. I can’t believe this is happening. Not only are we outing our relationship to Faith, but now she knows what her dad and I like to do together in bed! I cringe while the hot pink butt plug seems to stare at me from the plastic baggie. Why did I have to pick hot pink? It seemed so fun when we were browsing on line, but now it’s an eyesore that I can’t look away from.

Judging by the look on Faith’s face, she’s totally revolted.

“Ugh,” she says.

OMG, I wish the Earth would swallow me up whole and I shoot my boyfriend a panicked look. How do we get ourselves out of this mess? How do I explain that I love having sex with her dad, and that in fact, I’m pregnant with his baby right now?

“Faith,” I begin. “I’m so sorry—”

But she cuts me off.

“No, it’s okay. I’m the one who needs to apologize because Dad, clearly, I was completely wrong. You’re not gay at all.”

I stare at her before turning my gaze to Marcus, nonplussed. Gay? Where is she getting that from?

“No,” Marcus agrees with a wry smile. “I’m not gay. I wasn’t using dildos and butt plugs on myself, while diddling rent boys while overseas.”

The breath whooshes from my chest. Excuse me?

Then, Faith turns to me and there are tears in her eyes.

“I’m so happy for you, Bella. I always thought of you as a sister, but I guess this is even better. You’re more like a stepmom now!”

I gulp, trying to find air for my lungs. Stepmom? This situation is getting crazier and crazier. But my friend continues.

“Dad, you’ve been single for way too long, and I admit, I was surprised by the naughty collection in your closet. But this all makes sense now, and I couldn’t pick a better person for you than Bella. She’s amazing! And I’d know because we’ve been friends for years.”

Marcus takes my hand and squeezes it gently.

“I’m glad to hear that, honey, because I’m in love with Bella. And you’re right: she’s a jewel that’s been sitting right under my nose for ages, and I didn’t notice until recently. But we’re the real thing, and your approval means a lot to us. I admit, you had us worried there for a minute.”

“I did?” Faith asks, surprised. “But why?”

I manage to get a hold of myself and interject.

“Well, it’s not every day that you discover your friend’s been secretly dating your dad. And that your dad has an active sex life too.”

My buddy lets out a giggle.

“I know, and I have to warn you that I don’t want to know anything about that aspect of your lives. But I’m so glad you guys are in love! How long has this been going on? And how did you guys even meet? I mean, I know how you guys met, but when did the romance start?”

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