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But Crux is Harem’s governor and Tray runs the Pleasure Prison virtual reality, which at any given moment in time is holding almost a million people. So he literally can’t leave unless we shut that thing down.

And we won’t do that. That’s where most of our profit is made.

“I’ll leave a copy behind,” ALCOR says, answering my question. Sort of. But not really, now that I think about it.

“Whatever,” Luck and I both say at the same time.

“Oh,” Crux says. “Your bot is still in the lock-up, Serpint. They’re sick of him and want you to bail him out.”

“I’m sick of that little asshole too. And he’s not even mine,” I say. “He’s Lyra’s.”

“Don’t worry,” she calls from her stool in front of the auto-shopper. “I’ll take care of the kids, honey.”

I scowl at her. “Where’s my armor?”

“Already delivered,” she snaps, just as Xyla’s air screen chimes.

“Dicker’s ready to go,” Xyla announces. And then everyone is on the move.

I hesitate until it’s just Lyra and me, alone.

She frowns at me.

“You have to stay here,” I say.

“It’s not fair. She’s my sister.”

“We’ll get her back. I promise.”

I walk over to her, pull her in to my body, and then kiss her softly on the mouth.

“Don’t get hurt,” she whispers past my lips.

“I won’t. I promise.”

We kiss one more time and then I pull away. Holding her hand as I take a few steps towards the door. Unwilling to let her go, but knowing I must. “I’ll be back soon. You’ll see.”

And before she can pout and frown at me, and before my stupid heart can ache at the thought of leaving her behind, I let her fingertips slide out of my hand, and then I turn away and walk through the door.


First there was love sex.

Then there was family drama and shopping.

Now… there is silence.

I hate it. It takes every ounce of self-control I have not to run out that door after them and insist they take me too.

But Serpint just gave me the same argument and, I reluctantly admit, his reason was solid.

He wants me to be safe. It’s a makes-my-heart-all-melty reason.

But what about him? I want him to be safe too. And even though I thought Bull Station and Harem Station were the same when I arrived here three days ago, they are not the same. Bull Station is filled with people who will kidnap you and sell you to slavers. Harem is just… a city filled with forgotten people. Lost people. Lonely people. People who want normal things like family, but don’t have any of their own.

So now what? Sit here and twiddle my thumbs and worry the whole time?

“Oh,” I say out loud. “The bot.”

I might as well go get the bot. I’m pretty sure you can probably do that whole bailing-out thing from an air screen. But I’m also pretty sure wasting time traveling to wherever he is would be better than sitting here doing nothing.

So I walk down the hallway to go get my boots when a thought hits me.

I look over my shoulder at the auto-shopper and smile. Because I learned a little trick getting Serpint’s armor.

Search his name and all kinds of things show up. The beer he drinks, the food he orders, the clothes he wears, the guns he uses…

In fact, his whole life is in that shopper.

Not that I need anything from him. But Xyla…

I squeal a little as I enter her name in the search and holy mother of suns, all her outfits pop up. I don’t get her shopping list or anything like that, but I’m not after what she eats and drinks. I just want to look like her. And let me tell you, sex-borgs really know how to dress.

My choice is a dark purple bodysuit that has holsters on the side of each thigh, a pair of black, lace-up combat boots that go all the way up to my knees, and a black canvas belt with big silver grommets that comes with a knife.

I pull my pink-blonde hair up into a pony tail, then admire my new look in the mirror while doing martial arts moves.

I am badass.

My air screen chimes for the first time ever and scares the shit out of me. It doesn’t wait for me to open it up—note to self, find your default settings and change that—just pops up in the space in front of me.

“Awww,” I say, as Serpint’s face fills the screen. He’s all dressed in his armor now, ready for battle. “You miss me already,” I say, making a pouty face.

He smiles. “I just wanted to make sure this thing works before I leave. You can’t contact me on ship once we go through the gate, but the second I get back I’m gonna ping you.”

“Promises,” I say.
