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He has just enough stubble on his jaw that it makes you wonder what it would feel like on your skin. Specifically, the skin between your legs while his piercing blue eyes looked up at you.

Match that with the tattoos peeking out from under his collar and sleeves, and the man is serious fucking eye candy. And today it’s the exact same, except hotter, because he’s wearing a sleeveless shirt that shows off every line of hard strength and the full sleeves of tattoos.

I have to look away from him and take a breath. Maybe my friends are right. It’s been so long since I had any below the belt action that just looking at him is raising my temperature.

“Afternoon, ladies,” he says, and the depth of his voice makes me shiver. I need to snap the fuck out of it. Being distracted by him will make the goal of just surviving this expedition that much harder. “Ready for some rafting?”

“See?” Emily says, sneaking up to me. “We could help you have a little fun while you’re here.”

I sigh. “As fun as that would be, I highly doubt that that will happen.”

“You never know,” she waggles her eyebrows at me. “Who knows what could happen?”

“Emily,” I say it as a warning, but I’m well aware that when my best friend decides to do something, there’s very little that can stop her.

Yesterday when we arrived after I’d finished ogling Leo, we’d gone over the various outdoor excursions and what they would require. Which is why we were here early putting on life vests. It saved on time to do it all at once, and if it means less time in the sweltering heat, that is just fine with me.

“Leo?” Emily calls to him. “Diana was having some trouble with the life jacket. I think some of the fastenings are stuck. Can you help her?”

He looks up. “Sure.”

I glare at my friends, though they’re all grinning at me. “Yeah,” I say as he comes over. “Maybe this one just hasn’t been used in a bit.”

“It happens,” he says, taking the vest from me.

I’m pointedly ignoring the frantic whispers coming from behind me as I watch Leo loosen the straps. He holds it out once they come loose, and I slip my arms through. Being this close, I’m starting to fantasize that maybe Emily is right, and I could have some extra fun with him.

But he doesn’t show anything but professionalism as he buckles the vest on my chest. No lingering touches or accidental explorations. It makes sense, but it’s still disappointing. Why didn’t I pack my vibrator for this trip? Just being near Leo is enough to make me want to spend some quality time alone.

“There,” he says.


When I turn around, the girls are already split into teams, standing by two of the boats, which leaves me and Leo. In the same boat. “I see you’ve picked spots already.”

“Oh,” Marie says. “You know, we just kind of picked at random.”

Emily shrugs. “And besides, you’re the one who’s nervous. Figured you’d be more comfortable being in the boat with the guy who has experience.”

“You’re fine boating with Leo, right?” Julie has her hand over her mouth, trying to contain her laughter.

Their acting is so bad I’m nearly cringing. I’m going to kill them later, and then laugh with them.

I put on a smile. “Sure.”

Leo can’t possibly miss the way that they’re looking at the two of us, but he has the grace not to say anything, and I’m grateful. No need to make it anymore awkward than it already is.

“How long is this course?” I ask Leo as we head to the canoe that’s at the head of the pack.

“Only a couple of hours. Not too long.”

“Perfect.” A couple of hours was long enough for me to invent various torture methods to exact revenge on my friends, and probably come up with way too many fantasies about me, Leo, and a bed. Or, you know, anywhere.

I grab my water bottle and step into the canoe, nearly losing my footing already. This is going to go really well.

“You okay?” Leo asks.

It really isn’t fair for him to have a voice like that. Smooth like dark chocolate and really good vodka. Having a voice like that should be illegal. Because it affects me way too fucking much.

“Yeah,” I manage. “I’m fine. I apologize in advance, but I’m not the most outdoorsy person, so it’s not great that you’re stuck with me.”

Leo smiles, and it’s so full and bright that it hits me square in the chest and makes me lose my breath. “Don’t worry, I’m outdoorsy enough for both of us.”

I can only nod. Thank fuck. Cause there’s no way I’m going to be focused now.



It’s hard to keep a straight face the way Diana’s friends are trying to set her up. I can’t exactly say that I’m not used to it.

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