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He pulls back and stares down at me, seconds ticking by, the lines of his handsome face drawn tight. “One day I’ll tell you,” he promises finally, and then adds, “but not today.”

I don’t like this answer, but he kisses me, and his hands cup my breasts and I am no longer capable of thinking. There are just sensations and pleasure, so much pleasure. His mouth on my mouth, his fingers on my nipple, then his mouth that follows. And then his lips on my belly, his tongue teasing the delicate skin. His eyes meeting mine with the promise of where his mouth will go next.

And it does.

He slides lower, his shoulders between my thighs, spreading me wider, exposing me more fully to him. And then his breath is hot on my sex, his tongue teasing my clit, his mouth even hotter as he licks and teases. My fingers are in his hair, my hips lifting, my body awash in sensations, but just when I’m trembling with absolute desire, with the edge of release, he is gone. His mouth, his tongue, his fingers that had found a way inside me, stretching me, pleasing me, are gone. Moments before I might have come, he is gone.

I gasp and try to sit up, but he’s already rolling us to our sides, facing each other. “Adrian,” I breathe out, his name one part objection and one part plea. But then his hand on my backside, scooping me to him, the thick ridge of his erection pressed between my legs, nestled intimately against the wet heat of my sex. I’m no longer objecting. “You come with me inside you tonight,” he murmurs, and then he’s kissing me, the salty taste of me on his lips.

He whispers Spanish in my ear again and then he asks, “Do you trust me, Pri?”

My fingers curl on his jawline, the rough scruff of his stubble a rasp against my palm. “You know I do.”

“For now,” he says, “but I’ll take what I can get from you, Pri. And now,” he says, softly, “I’m going to make you forget.” I’m about to object to the “for now” comment, but Adrian smacks my backside just hard enough to shock me.

I yelp with the impact and arch forward and he takes advantage of that reaction. He presses inside me, driving deep. “Think of me,” he orders softly and I have this sense that he’s not talking about how he replaces Logan. “Remember me,” he adds, and with that I know he means later when he’s gone, but before I can press him, he presses me.

Or rather his palm comes down on my backside again and he thrusts into me and then all words escape me. His mouth devours mine, his cock thrusts deep inside me and his hand comes down on my backside in random, somehow perfect, and oh so erotic moments. I lose time and space, and there is just us, me and Adrian, our bodies intimately bound, moving together. Our ragged breaths. Our desperate kisses. And we are desperate in ways that I don’t believe anyone else would understand. We’re alive. We don’t know if we’ll be alive tomorrow. And on some level, there’s this sense that we’re losing each other. We want each other and right now, we need each other.

I savor every moment of the pleasure. I don’t want this to end, but my body has other ideas. Release comes over me hard and fast. I bury my head in Adrian’s neck, holding onto him, my body stiff for a moment before I gasp with a spasm. He groans a low, masculine groan, and drives deeper, harder, faster, and then we’re trembling together, bodies quaking.

We are one.

At least, for now.

Chapter Eighteen


For long moments—no, not moments, but minutes actually, I really have no concept of time—Adrian and I just hold one another. It’s me who breaks the silence, me who dares to lead us into what I know may be an explosion of yet more emotions.

“What does ‘for now’ mean, Adrian?” I whisper.

His body stiffens and he doesn’t look at me. “Let me get you a towel and the robe.” He pulls out of me and rolls over and I swear the wall between us that was there on that plane for a small portion of our trip here, slams back into place. He’s standing in an instant, walking toward the bathroom in all his naked perfection, snatching up his pants as he goes. but it’s me who feels naked in every possible way. But I don’t let myself reach for the blanket. If I want Adrian to expose all of himself to me, I have to be willing to be exposed with him. And that’s what I want. That’s what I’ve always wanted and the one thing I’m not sure will ever happen.

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