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She rested her head against my shoulder, and I tightened my arms around her. Life really had no meaning for me without this woman and the life we were creating. A family. God, I was a lucky bastard.

Aoife was so warm and soft and fit so damn perfectly in my arms. There was no doubt this was where she was always meant tae be.

I buried my face in her hair, inhaling deeply and feeling my love for her grow. Even now, my cock was still so hard, my need for this woman—my wife, my everything—burning brighter and hotter in me. I was insatiable for her.

Just knowing she was pregnant, carrying my child, made me want tae keep her close. I was even more possessive of my wee wife, and God did I love the feeling. I ran the tip of my nose up the length of her neck, groaning at the primal need tae gently press my teeth against the soft, supple flesh.

“You make me crazy,” I growled, and she sighed in pleasure.

I rubbed my hand along her belly, back and forth, smiling when I felt the baby kick against my palm.

“He's getting stronger by the day,” she murmured, rubbing her cheek against mine. Aoife placed her hand on mine, and I slipped my fingers between hers. She curled against me even more, and I grinned, my chest swelling with even more pride.

She wiggled on my lap, and damn it tae hell, but my cock got harder. I groaned, wanting her so fiercely I could taste it. There was no doubt in my mind she felt the stiffness of it against her supple, perfect arse.

“You just can't get enough,” she teased, but there was heat in her voice.

She pulled back, and I stared into her eyes, falling in love with her even more. When she leaned forward, she murmured against my lips, “and thank God for that insatiable appetite of yours.”

I groaned and pressed my lips tae her, sealing my Aoife tae me, never letting her go. “For me it’ll only ever be you, lass,” I whispered against her lips and stood, keeping her in my arms and carrying her tae our bed. “Now let me show you how hungry I am for you.”

Epilogue Three


Thirty years later

There was nothing like the warm sun on yer face, yer wee wife by your side, and the sound of yer children and grandchildren laughing tae surround ye.

Nothing better at all.

Aoife sat beside me, and I held her hand, both of us watching as our children wrangled the grandchildren for supper. Every week, they all came by tae have dinner at our cottage, and God was it the best day of the week. I looked at my wife then and smiled. Well, one of the best days. The other six are pretty fooking incredible.

Our grown kids came tae the house with children in tow, and Aoife chuckled as she gave my hand a squeeze and stood, embracing Finley, our oldest daughter, then giving Rowan, our middle daughter a hug. Our eldest, Bram, had an arm around his wife and carried their youngest, Ewan, in his other arm.

Three children. Six grandbabes.

I am one lucky fooking bastard. That’s for damn sure.

I glanced at my wee wife, Aoife even more beautiful after all these years. She aged gracefully, her strawberry-blonde hair still striking with streaks of silver woven throughout.

For long moments, I could only stare at her, watching as the sun played across her hair. She had this small smile on her face, her freckles having darkened some with age and because she loved being outdoors, the ray of light kissing them, creating a richer color as if the freckles blushed.

We purchased the cottage some twenty years ago, our children growing up with the rolling green hills and the ocean just a short drive away. We had two gardens, loads of fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer, and dozens upon dozens of flowers that dotted our backyard… the countryside. Our children helped create all of this. Planting seeds, watching the fruits of their labor grow. And we would forever have these memories, even after we were long-gone from this world, our legacy alive and strong and running through the very grounds of the earth.

And Getting Lucky was still standing, Bram and Finley taking over the family business, and I was proud tae say it was still the most revered place tae get good and pissed at.

Rowan had decided tae go intae medicine, and was now a physician in Duthmoore.

But it didn’t matter what our children had decided tae do with their lives, because we were so verra proud of them regardless.

I was so damn happy, more than I ever imagined. Happier than I even deserved. And I owed it all tae my wife, the mother of my children, and the one woman who would forever complete me.
