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And I would get it out of him at the next place we stopped. This was one mystery I could solve, even if I had to beat it out of him.


“I knew it was too good to be true,” Gazzy yelled. “The Erasers’ all being dead!”

“I didn’t feel them coming,” Angel said, confused.

Nudge’s heart was pounding, the blood rushing in her ears. These Erasers moved more in sync with one another than the others they had encountered, but still awkwardly, choppily. Nudge shot a last look at Angel, then soared upward just as the Erasers hit them.

Focus. That’s what Max always said. Focus.

Concentrating, Nudge dropped down on an Eraser, smashing her sneakered feet against its head. Then, whirling, she cracked the hard edge of her hand against its windpipe. The Eraser made a weird noise and started to lose altitude.

“Nudge! Watch it!” Gazzy screamed.

Wham! An iron-hard punch to the ribs knocked Nudge’s breath away, and she sucked in air soundlessly, trying not to panic. Instinctively she remembered to keep moving her wings, staying aloft long enough to regain her breath.

But there was no time—the Eraser came at her again, fist cocked back to punch. At the last second, Nudge dropped suddenly, so that its big, hairy arm swished through empty air.

“Take that, sucker!” she wheezed.

Surging upward, Nudge kicked it, aiming for its stomach but actually hitting somewhat lower. The Eraser doubled over without a sound, and Nudge clasped her hands together and brought them down on the back of its neck as hard as she could.

“Ow!” Angel’s cry of pain made Nudge whirl, and she saw the smallest member of the flock being held by one arm as she ineffectually tried to kick her captor.

Nudge rushed over but was beaten there by Iggy, following the sound of Angel’s voice. Together they pummeled the Eraser, and Iggy chopped down on the arm holding Angel. With a strange roar, the Eraser turned and pulled back its arm, and then made an odd strangled sound.

Looking down, Nudge saw Total chomping on the Eraser’s ankle, shaking his head even as he dangled there, high above the ground—with no wings.

“Get him,” she whispered to Angel, who nodded and quickly dropped ten feet. The Eraser shook its leg, but Total closed his eyes and clamped down harder, growling fiercely. Judging from the other muffled sounds, he was also swearing a blue streak.

“Yo!” yelled the Gasman, catching everyone’s attention. “Fire in the hole!”


Nudge’s side was killing her, and she still felt low on oxygen. But experience had taught that when Gazzy or Iggy said something like that, you ducked and covered as fast as you could. So she folded in her wings, immediately dropping like a stone.

A good thirty feet down, she unfurled her wings and shot to one side, just as Gazzy pushed an Eraser away from him with a muttered “Oof!” Angel had grabbed Total, Iggy had grabbed Angel, and they were hauling upward like pocket rockets.

There were five Erasers left—Nudge guessed they’d disposed of about half of them. Her ribs felt broken, she wished Max and Fang were here, and she didn’t know wh—


“Gross!” Nudge shrieked, as bits of Eraser hit her. “Gross, gross, gross! Oh, God, Gazzy! Gross!”

Nudge worked her wings, moving up toward Iggy. She passed one main chunk of an Eraser dropping past her, and saw two others that had been wounded—one’s wing was broken almost off, and the other appeared to be missing a leg.

But it was weird, the way—

“You have terminated me,” one of them said in a strange, flat voice. “But I am one of many.”

“Robots!” Iggy breathed, taking Total from Angel.

“One of many, one of many, one of many,” the robot Eraser was saying. Now Nudge saw the red light in its eyes, saw how they were fading and winking out.

“Good!” spat the Gasman, kicking it hard. “Beca

use we like to blow stuff up, blow stuff up, blow stuff up!”
