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“No you dooonnn’t!” Fang’s voice spiraled away into nothingness, far above me.

Inside my

head, almost drowned out by the roar of wind rushing by my ears, I heard the Voice make a tsking sound. You guys are crazy about each other, it said.


“Oh, yeah. No bedtime. It’s a good thing,” Gazzy sang, doing a little dance.

“Look, just because Max isn’t here doesn’t mean all the rules have gone out the window,” Iggy said, facing him. “She left me in charge, and I’m gonna make sure to do everything she would—” He couldn’t keep a straight face any longer and cracked up, bending over and clutching his stomach.

Nudge rolled her eyes, and she and Angel shared a smile. She picked up a small handful of pebbles and carefully started distributing them among other little piles.

“Mancala, huh?” Total said, lying down next to them. “Next time we’re in a store, let’s lift some cards. We could play Texas hold ’em. I would kick your butts.” His small, shiny nose twitched as he watched them play.

“That’s a good idea,” said Nudge, as Angel distributed her pile, though she had no idea how Total would hold the cards. Unless he had opposable thumbs hidden under his paw fur. Which, come to think of it, he very well might. Checking behind her, she saw she had enough room to let her wings stretch out a bit, so she extended them, enjoying the feeling. “Ahh.”

“I want wings,” Total said, not for the first time. “If I could fly, no one would have to carry me. If they could graft wings onto those big lunking Erasers, they could definitely patch a pair onto me.”

“It would hurt, Total,” said Angel, studying the mancala game.

“Do you think the Erasers are really gone?” Nudge asked them. In the background, she heard Iggy saying, “No, see, you need the spark to ignite it. You need the flint to make the spark, see?”

Gazzy murmured, “Yeah, but what about the bleach?” and then their voices faded again.

Nudge sighed. This was the kind of thing she wished Max or Fang were here to handle.

“Hey, guys?” Iggy called. Nudge looked up.

“How about a little test flight?” he said. “A little wheeling-around like the hawks showed us. Okay?”

“Yeah, okay,” said Angel. She smiled at Nudge. “You were about to win anyway.”

Nudge grinned back. “I know.” Standing up, she dusted off her jeans and pulled her wings in to walk to the end of the tiny canyon.

One by one, the bird kids leaped off the ledge, falling downward for a few moments before hauling out their wings, strong, light, and catching the wind in their feathers. Nudge loved this feeling, the sensation of power and freedom, the knowledge that she could rise up from the ground like an angel. Any time she wanted to.

She smiled over at Angel, who turned to smile back at her. Then Angel’s eyes went wide, and her face took on a look of horror. Nudge whirled as a large shadow blotted the light from the flock.

A wide, thick swarm of Erasers was flying right toward them. They were back!


“Seriously, we have to talk,” said Fang.

I sighed, looking up at the sky. “It’s just like dolphins chirping,” I said regretfully, talking out loud to myself. “I hear sounds, but none of them make sense.”

I put my hands on my hips and surveyed the scene below us. “No water source. Let’s go.”

Without waiting for him, I launched myself off the low cliff, moving my wings powerfully, heading toward the sun. We’d stopped twice already, and neither place had all the stuff we needed: close-by food source, water, safety.

This was completely pointless, as opposed to my original plan, which was completely pointed.

Without turning my head, I glanced out of the corners of my eyes to see Fang’s sleek wings behind me. He was acting weird. I didn’t think Fang had been replaced by a clone the way I had at one point. Yes, folks, in my life, that’s actually a legitimate concern. Take a moment and count your blessings.

Maybe he really does just want to talk, said the Voice.

Oh, yeah, ’cause Fang is all about the wordy sharing of feelings, I thought back. Something’s up, something he’s not telling me.
