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Justin nods.

“Yeah, but you don’t do that with everyone.”

I shake my head quickly.

“No, of course not. But you know that my position with Evolve Yoga doesn’t pay much. Sometimes, Evolve doesn’t pay me anything in fact, because they don’t have enough cash. It’s been hard times for everyone, so sometimes I have to wait two or three months for my paycheck.”

Justin nods.

“Yeah, that can happen in business, but what does that have to do with Marzakian? What does any of this have to do with your rescue attempt?”

I take a deep breath.

“Well, I was dead-set on finding you, so I went over to NYC Repo and talked to your cousin, Paul. He spilled the beans on Simon Marzakian.”

Justin pauses for a moment.

“I should be mad, but I’m not. My cousin was just trying to help.”

I nod.

“Exactly. So Paul told me they’d already been to the NYPD, and that the officials were useless. But he knew the name of the guy who owned the apartment at your last job: Simon Marzakian, also known as Henry Marx. Then, I used my contacts to reach out to Simon.”

At this, Justin looks confused.

“Your contacts? But who would that be?”

Oh no, here it comes. I smile bravely at him, straightening my back.

“My other employer helped me with this one. Not Evolve Yoga, but City Girls. You see, I work as an escort occasionally. It pays well, and I’ve been doing it for a few years now. City Girls, like many agencies, has connections everywhere, both good and bad, especially when it comes to the underworld. They have the ultimate black book, so to say, and they were able to set me up on a date with Simon,” I say simply.

Justin stares at me, his blue eyes astonished.

“Are you serious?”

I nod.

“Yes, and it wasn’t hard. City Girls offered Simon a half-price deal and he leapt on it. I guess even when you’re rich, 50% is too good to pass up,” is my dry reply.

But Justin’s motionless.

“So you sleep with guys as part of your job?”

I shake my head, but then change my mind and slowly begin to nod.

“City Girls doesn’t require it. The agency makes it clear that you’re only there for dinner and drinks. What happens afterwards is up to you, and yes, I’ve slept with clients in the past. Only the ones who are handsome and kind, but yes, it has happened. Not since we met, but I needed the money, and some of the guys aren’t so bad.”

Justin is still astonished and he shakes his head.

“Holy shit.”

Here is where most women would beg and plead for forgiveness, but instead, I straighten my spine.

“I’m not ashamed of what I do for a living, and again, I haven’t been on any dates since we met. Plus, it was my experience as an escort that helped me rescue you, so I’m not going to apologize. It is what it is, and I have to own my past.”

My boyfriend looks up then, shooting me a searching look.

“Is that it? Is City Girls in your past?”

I nod.

“If you want it to be, then yes.”

With that, Justin takes me in his arms. He lovingly kisses me, a long, gusty sigh escaping that broad chest.

“I love you Marley. I should have told you sooner. I should have told you so much sooner. But I need to tell you now. I love you and I don’t care that you worked for City Girls. You belong to me now and you’re right: it was your skills that rescued me.”

A wave of happiness crashes over my form, and suddenly, I realize I’m crying. I was so afraid of telling this man my former vocation, but now, it doesn’t matter. Justin appreciates me for me, and would never hold something like that against me.

“I love you too,” I sob. “I’ve known that I love you for some time now, and it was so scary when you disappeared. I basically went berserk and forced Paul to tell me everything, so you can’t blame your cousin,” I bleat between tears. “But I’m also so glad that you’re not judging me, and I appreciate it so much. I can’t imagine living life without you, and now, I feel like the slate’s been wiped clean. There are no more secrets between us.”

Justin pulls me in tight, resting his chin on my head.

“No, no more secrets,” he growls. “Now you know that I’m the CEO of NYC Repo as well, so I’m coming clean too. I don’t blame you for anything you did. If anything, you’re the bravest, most resourceful girl I know, and I adore everything about you.”

I sniffle more, unable to believe my good luck. But then, I tip my chin to him, my eyes bright with tears.

“Actually, I have one more secret.”

Justin merely pulls me close before kissing me tenderly.
