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“Genius name he’s got,” Hunter muttered.

“You’re sure she didn’t see him?” Travis asked Curt.

There was an odd note to his voice. Was this the real reason he was here? Because of this guy? After all, he barely even knew Jenna so why did this warrant more than a phone call with a friendly heads up?

He shook his head. “They all wore bandanas over their lower faces.”

“Fuck. Probably just as well. If she’d seen The Brit then she’d be in a world of danger and she’s already got enough problems.”

Travis and Jace shared a look. Definitely something more going on there.

Curt looked over at Gray, who was staring at Travis and Jace thoughtfully.

“So, you guys going to tell us why you’re really here

or are we going to find out at the end after some big clusterfuck that could have been avoided if you’d been upfront?” Hunter barked.

That was Hunter. Always to the point.

Travis snorted. “Don’t beat around the bush, man.”

“You know me better than that.”

Travis sighed. “I do. Look, I can’t tell you much—”

“Course you can’t. That would be too fucking easy.”

Travis gave Hunter a look. “But we’re interested in getting our hands on The Brit.”

“You want to get hold of a guy on both Interpol and the FBI’s most wanted list?” Gray asked quietly. “And you don’t expect us to ask questions?”

Travis turned to look at him. “We didn’t have to bring this stuff to you.”

“Would have been a real jerk thing to do,” Hunter drawled.

Travis glared at him. “But I probably would have called you anyway because the little I saw of Jenna, I liked. She’s a fighter. And I don’t want to see any harm come her way.”

“But why would this guy have something to do with Jenna’s kidnapping?” Lacey asked.

“The Brit supplies weapons to terrorist groups across the Middle East and Africa. His reach is far. If you have enough cash, he can get it. He’s suspected of supplying arms to the group that bombed the US Embassy in Chad. It’s entirely possible that he’s the person that David Jasons was sending these weapons to. If Jasons crossed him, and that’s the reason Jenna was kidnapped, then he could have a hell of a lot more problems than just the feds and the ATF breathing down his neck. The Brit is dangerous and he’s ruthless.”

“So, you think Jenna’s father was sending weapons to this guy, but then something went wrong and, he took Jenna as revenge?” Cady asked. “That’s a big guess based on her remembering that one of her kidnappers spoke English. It could be anybody.”

“Oh, I don’t think they’re just guessing,” Hunter said slowly. “I think they knew all along that Jasons was involved with The Brit.”

Travis tensed then nodded. “The FBI think he’s associated with him. But they don’t know for sure that Jenna’s kidnapping had anything to do with The Brit.”

“But it’s likely it had something to do with her dad,” Gray said quietly. “If he’s guilty, that is.”

Jesus, that was going to kill her.

Curt swallowed.

“But this guy won’t come after her now, surely,” Lacey said. “It’s been eight months. If he was going to do anything wouldn’t he have done it by now?”

“He guards his identity ferociously,” Travis told her. “If he thinks Jasons has any information that could lead to him, there’s no telling what he might do.”

“Like go after Jenna once again? To keep her dad quiet?” Curt stood abruptly. “I’m going to her.”

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