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“Me too.” Travis nodded. “And then my FBI friend tells me that they suspect David Jasons of supplying weapons to terrorists.”

“I just can’t believe it. He was a marine.” Not that marines couldn’t do shit like this. But he’d liked him. He’d always seemed like a good guy.

“A lot of evidence says he did. However, the feds are after bigger fish than Jasons. If he co-operates and gives them what he wants, they’ll go easier on him.”

“Poor Jenna,” Cady whispered. “She loves her dad. She’s going to be devastated.”

“There’s going to be a lot of outcry over this,” Gray added. “Jenna’s dad’s company will suffer. He employs a lot of people. There are a lot of shareholders.”

Travis looked grim. “Exactly. Which is the other reason I’m bringing this to you. Jenna and her mother could become targets for people’s anger and fear over this.”

Like hell. He’d . . . what? He hadn’t even known that she’d moved out of her parent’s place. His hands clenched into fists beneath the table.

“So, what’s the connection between Jenna being kidnapped and her dad’s dealings in arms trading?” Hunter asked.

“Not certain yet, but I’m working on it. Going to call in a few favors.”

“Why?” Curt asked bluntly.

Travis just stared at him.

“Why are you doing this? Why do you care?”

“Because I don’t like when innocents get hurt,” Travis replied calmly, but Curt saw the cold, hard look in his eyes. “They shot up a whole village, killed children, murdered adults, and then kidnapped and beat up a terrified woman. And because my gut burns.”

“There’s a doctor a few blocks down. Pretty sure you can get something to help you with that,” Hunter told him.

That coldness dropped away slightly. “Can they prescribe something to get your head out of your ass?”

“I really don’t think Dallas is big enough to house both your egos.” Cady looked from one to the other.

“What do you need while you’re here?” Gray asked.

“Talking to Jenna would be a good start. I need to figure out if she’s remembered something more.”

Curt tapped his fingers against the table. Should he tell them what she’d remembered? He met Lacey’s gaze across the table. She knew. But she wouldn’t say. Jenna had told her in confidence. He wasn’t held by the same confidence. But he would do whatever would keep her safest.

He trusted his team with this information. Question was, did he trust Travis and Jace? They’d helped rescue her. They’d risked themselves to free her. And they were Lacey’s cousins. And they had come to them with this information when they didn’t have to.

“There’s one thing she remembered that was strange. She heard someone speak after she was beaten. In English.”

“Accent?” Travis asked.

“Not a local accent. She thought if anything he sounded slightly British.”

Did a look of excitement cross their faces? Travis leaned forward. “Did she see him?”

Even if she had, he wouldn’t admit it now. Not after seeing their reaction. Now he was starting to wonder if he’d made the right decision telling them.

“What is it?” Hunter asked. “You obviously have some idea who this guy is.”

“The Brit,” Travis asked.

“The Brit?” Gray repeated. “You don’t mean the guy on the FBI’s most wanted list?”

“And Interpol’s,” Jace added. “Everyone wants this guy.”

“Only no one knows what he looks like. Anyone that did hasn’t lived to tell the tale.”

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