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“Yep, he should be here in a couple of hours.”

“I can’t come. I can’t leave Jenna.”

Gray nodded and smiled. “I’d feel the same if it were Lacey lying in that bed.”

“Just get him for me, all right? Did this guy say why he wanted Jenna?”

“Nope, but he seemed to be under the impression David Jasons was talking to the feds.”

“Why the fuck would he think that?”

Gray looked grim. “My guess is someone might have set her up as bait.”

“Hendricks? That bastard.” It would be something that slime ball would do. “I’m going to kill him.”

“Let’s just hope he doesn’t try to stick his nose into this.”


Travis slammed Hendricks into the wall of the small room. “You bastard!”

“Get your hands off me! This is assault!” Hendricks looked over at Hunter, Gray, Jake, and then his partner, Marshall. “You’re all my witnesses.”

“Didn’t see a thing,” Gray said.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jake added.

Hunter just grinned. It wasn’t a pleasant smile.

Even Hendricks’s partner looked away. “Marshall!”

His partner raised his head and stared from Travis to Hendricks nervously. “You set her up, Paul. She could have been killed.”

“You’re just lucky it’s me here and not Curt, because then you’d be a dead man. In fact, I suggest you run and find a place to hide. I’m willing to bet that once he can pull himself away from Jenna’s bedside he’s going to come searching for you. You put her out there as bait, without her permission, and then you left her.”

“Nothing was happening,” Hendricks sniveled. “We couldn’t watch her twenty-four seven.”

“And you nearly got her killed.” Travis shook him then pushed him away. “Get out of here. Quickly, little man. I don’t have time to teach you a lesson.”

“This is an FBI matter, you have no rights here—”

Travis turned and growled at him, getting a great deal of satisfaction from the way the man cowered back. “Go.”

“Just go, Hendricks,” Marshall said. “You’re going to have a lot of explaining to do at headquarters. I’ll handle things here.”

Hendricks backed out after glaring at them all. Travis turned to Marshall. “I’ll be running this show.”

The younger man looked at him steadily. “This man is on the FBI’s most wanted list.”

“And if the FBI comes in guns blazing, it could scare him off,” Gray pointed out calmly. “Why don’t you let us do this? We know how to get in quietly and get out. After we have what we need, you can claim victory over capturing The Brit. If you think about it, there’s no risk. It’s all reward for you. If we fail, you can claim Hendricks fucked up by not having surveillance on Jenna.”

Marshall thought that over. “All right. But I’m still coming with you.”

“Fine.” Travis glared at him. “But just know he’s mine first.”

He was going to make sure that bastard didn’t spend another day breathing the same air as him.


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