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He reached in and pulled her out. “Shit. You’re freezing. Someone get me some blankets. She’s freezing.”

And then people surrounded her. Blankets were piled around her, and so many flashlights were aimed her way it was nearly blinding. Amazement filled her as she spotted many of her friends from Haven, as well as Curt’s colleagues and friends. Everyone wanted to talk to her, check up on her, but not once did he let her go. Colin and Trace Richards took care of Daisy, and knowing her dog was in good hands, she leaned her head against Curt. She was so tired.

“Just hang on, baby,” Curt murmured. “We’re going to get you to the hospital soon.”

“I don’t need the hospital. Just a bed and you.”

“I want you to get checked out, you’re freezing cold.”

She’d started to shiver, which she knew was a good sign. “Curt, the men who attacked me—”

“They’re locked up. Jake is talking to them now.”

“It’s weird. They said their boss wanted to talk to me. I have no idea who their boss is.”

She felt him climb into a car, where he sat with her on his lap. Warm air blasted her, and she sighed in contentment. She looked over as Gray slipped into the driver’s seat.

“Hey, Gray.”

“Hey, sweetheart.”

“Are you taking us home?”

Gray looked over at Curt.

“We can go home soon, baby,” Curt told her.

“I’m so sorry I left, Curt. I was an idiot. I should have talked to you.”

“Yeah, you should have. But don’t worry about that now. Just relax and lean against me.”

Chapter Nineteen

Curt looked up from where he sat by Jenna’s bed as the door to her room opened. She wasn’t pleased when she realized he and Gray were taking her to the hospital, but she’d been too exhausted to put up much of a fight. They’d admitted her as a precaution, but other than being a bit run down and cold, she was all right.

Gray stepped in. “She okay?”

He nodded.

“Come out for a minute. I think you might want to hear this.”

Curt stood and kissed the top of Jenna’s head before he walked into the corridor. “What is it?” He didn’t want to move far from her side.

“Jake got one of them to talk,” Gray said, not bothering to explain who he was talking about.

“And? Did he say who hired him?”

“Didn’t see the guy, just talked to him on the phone. Said he had a British accent.”

“Jesus.” Curt stilled. Could it be him?

“Said that they were hired to watch Jenna, and, if they saw an opportunity to grab her, they were to do it and then call him. He’d tell them where to bring her.”

Could they use these guys to lead them to The Brit? But that would mean leaving Jenna.

“In return for a lighter sentence, this guy has agreed to place the call and say that he’s got Jenna. This guy should give him an address, and then we can make a move on him.”

“You called Travis?”

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