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She still had nightmares each night. And West still insisted on sleeping on the floor of her bedroom. It probably should have felt weird, having him there. But he made her feel protected. Like she mattered.

She had to keep reminding herself he was doing it for Lana, not her.

“Don’t worry, I can get my own coffee. I wasn’t going to steal yours,” Flick told her.

“Sh, you’ll bring them in here.” Mia walked over to the kitchen door and shut it. “This is the first cup of coffee I’ve managed to sneak all week. I’m not risking it being confiscated and then listening to the umpteenth lecture on the evils of coffee when you’re pregnant.”

Mia took a sip then let out a blissful sigh.

“Um, not to sound like I’m not on your side but is coffee good for you when you’re pregnant?” she asked hesitantly.

Mia held the cup protectively against her body and growled at Flick. “Try to take it from me.”

Flick held up her hands and took a step back, trying to fight back a laugh. “Hey, far be it for me to stand between a pregnant woman and what she wants. I like my limbs where they are.”

Mia took another sip then sighed. “Sorry. I know I’m acting like a crazy person, but I’m going a little stir crazy here. I’m not allowed to ride. I’m not allowed to leave the house without an escort. I’m not allowed to eat half the things I want to eat and I’m not supposed to have coffee too? It’s a step too far.”

As Flick poured herself a cup, guilt filled her. “I’m sorry, Mia. Having me here is a real imposition. I’m putting you all in danger. I’m surprised Alec agreed to me staying with you when you’re pregnant.”

Mia’s eyes widened. “What? No! I didn’t mean that at all. You staying here isn’t an imposition. And Alec didn’t agree to anything. Don’t know if you remember everything from when you were first brought here, but Alec demanded that you agree to stay here under our protection. Flick, he’s basically adopted you.”

Flick had taken a mouthful of coffee which she quickly swallowed as she gaped at Mia. “Um, what?”

“Flick, you’re not just staying here. You’re not a guest. You’re part of the family.”

“No, I’m not.”

But a memory pulled at her.

“I’m not a Malone.”

“Baby girl, you are now.”

Did they really think of her as family?

Mia frowned slightly. “You are. You think these guys let just anyone stay here? Hell, there are very few people who will even visit because they’re worried about getting their tires shot out.”

Flick smiled. “I heard that rumor.”

“It’s not just a rumor.” Mia gave her a look.

Flick’s eyes widened. “You mean Tanner and Beau really shot out someone’s tires?”

Mia shrugged. “Just their cousin Jardin’s tires, and they were really just messing with him. Oh, and a couple of other people they didn’t like.”

Flick shook her head. “They’re nuts.”

“Yep,” Mia said cheerfully. “They’re also extremely loyal and overbearingly bossy and ridiculously protective. Hence me hiding my coffee habit. I’ve limited myself to just one a day. Doc said it was fine, but Alec has gotten it into his head it will be healthier for me to abstain, and when Alec lays down an edict the others follow. Well, when it comes to me, they do.” Mia sent her a laughing look. “Guess they’ll do the same with you now. Hey, you can take some of the heat off me.”

Flick snorted out a laugh. “Mia, you’re like their sister.”

“So are you,” Mia said quietly. “Flick, you’re never going back to him.”

Flick forced herself to smile. “Course not.”

Mia shook her head. “You don’t believe me yet, but you will.”

Flick wished she had the same sense of security Mia had. And she still felt guilty over all the issues she was creating for the Malone’s. Despite Alec and West declaring she was under their protection, she wasn’t their problem.
