Page 11 of Judge

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He slides me a piece of paper. “You can talk to me anytime.” He gives me a wink before leaning back in his chair. He’s cute with wavy blond hair and green eyes. I think he’s on the basketball team and I know he’s popular. Maybe I would have thought he was super before Smith, but now Paul holds no appeal. I take the paper and put it in the pocket of my jeans, not wanting to be rude.

The bell rings, releasing me to my fate. I grab my bag that’s filled with homework I need to make up and I keep my head down as I exit the school. I realize once I’m outside that I didn’t think about how I was going to get back to the courthouse. My uncle always had a car waiting for me.

“Miss Nora,” an older man calls out and I turn to see him wave me over. He’s holding open the door to a black SUV and I walk over.

“Mr. Prescott sent me to collect you.”

I should have known. He might be a judge, but it’s looking like all lawyers are the same. Smith is doing the same thing my father and uncle did, sending people to fetch me since they never had the time to do it themselves. I slide in the seat and I don’t know why I care. The man doesn’t know me and he’s a freaking judge. Of course he doesn’t have time for me. I should be happy he’s giving me a place to lay my head at night where I don’t have to worry about someone creeping into my room. Even if I wish Smith had.

It doesn’t take long before we’re in front of the courthouse. I wonder what people would think if they knew what Judge Prescott does in his chambers to girls who misbehave. A lick of desire spirals up my body only to be washed away when I think of all the others he’s probably done the same thing to. Maybe he has a line of woman like my uncle has. He hasn’t said much more to me since he laid down his rules. He went cold as ice and I think a few times he forgot I was around. I feel like a sad little kitten wanting attention but being ignored. The nickname he’d given me became too real even as I’d tried a few times to bait him into something.

Security lets me pass without incident. Smith must have told them about me. When I get to his office, the same woman I saw briefly yesterday stands from the desk that sits outside of Smith’s office.

She’s older and her gray hair is pinned up in a tight bun reminding me of a Sunday school teacher. She’s in a conservative suit dress and she looks at me the same way she did yesterday. Curiosity is written all over her.

“Hi.” I raise my hand and give her a small wave.

She’s warm as she welcomes me over and her smile puts me at ease. “He said for you to wait in his office when you got here. He’s still in court. Can I get you anything?”

“No thank you, I’m okay,” I tell her before pushing into his office. I’m disappointed that he isn’t here. It’s a silly thought, but I was looking forward to seeing him. I glance around and see that everything is spotless and in its place. I’m not sure what it is he wants me to clean around here.

“In my chambers now!” someone barks at me.

I suck in a breath.

“Yes, let’s do this in private.”

My heartbeat pounds in my chest at the sound of that voice. I’d know it anywhere. I turn as Smith and my uncle walk into the office and I stand there frozen. Both look as surprised to see me as I am to see them. I take a step back, wanting as much space between him and me as I can get and I think about the last time I saw him.

“Nora,” Smith says as he glances down at his watch and mutters a curse.

“Where have you been?” my uncle demands. Unlike Smith, Harry’s voice rakes against my skin.

“Watch your fucking tone with her,” Smith growls at him, and it’s an honest-to-god growl. I’m not shocked by the sound coming from him. He looks like he could make the sound easily. I watch Harry pale a little. “Remember your place and where you’re standing,” Smith adds.

Against my will, my core clenches. There has to be something wrong with my body because I should not be getting turned on by the way Smith is putting Harry in his place.

“I’ve been worried about her.” Harry glances over to me and I take another step back. “Your Honor,” he adds quickly. “There is no need for this. I’m not pressing charges. She can come home.”

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