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It got so bad I started keeping a calendar to mark off the days, and nothing else I did between then and now held much interest. I’d even told myself that this new obsession might be dangerous.

That maybe I should stay away before I became like that woman in that Fatal Attraction movie from a hundred years ago. It was that bad.


But here I am, in his house, and getting ready to embark on a whole other kind of expedition. I’m not overly sensitive about my weight, at least not in the same way I used to be when others made me feel like it was a sin to eat.

But my confidence level is nowhere near where it needs to be. So I’m still trying to figure out how to balance getting sun, and avoiding him seeing me in a bathing suit. Ergo this summer’s expedition slash adventure.

I’ve never sunned in front of anyone before, usually choosing to lay out by the family pool alone. Since it was just mom, dad and I at home, that was never too hard to do. And the servants knew to steer clear when I was back there.

But now I’ve convinced myself that I can do it. That I can live in a bathing suit for the next two months with the hottest man ever made around. Hopefully he’d spend a lot of time in his home office during the day, since he did say he was bringing work with him. But then I won’t get to see him as much. Dilemmas, dilemmas.

My mind switched from my measly troubles to once again wondering what the deal was with these two. I’ve been here for days and I still don’t know. One thing I do know, the ex-wife is one miserable human being.

I don’t know if that’s since the divorce, what led to the divorce, or a combination, not sure. But I do know she seems to have bouts of crazy, ergo my phone call to Cindy a little while ago.

I’d overheard her chanting something as she walked around the house the first day I came. She’d waited for him to leave after getting me settled to do it, but I didn’t think much of it.

Then not too long ago I overheard her chanting again and there was this knocking sound almost like she was banging her head against the wall. I wasn’t sure what was going on, and Cindy had never mentioned her being nuts, just odd. But I was still glad when he came home.

It was his last day at work and I’d been here two days earlier so we could see how things were working out between his daughter Lily and I. So far so good, but the mother was beginning to worry me.

What if she hurts the little girl? I haven’t seen anything to suggest that so far, in fact quite the opposite. But I’m not sure what to make of her erratic behavior, and he’s not talking. In fact, he doesn’t even mention her, or acknowledge her when she enters a room.

Whatever the case maybe, she’s obviously not happy, so I’m not sure who did what to whom, but I know when those two are in the same room, the temperature drops significantly.

That just goes to show, money can’t buy you happiness. As I’ve known all my life since it can’t help with my weight problem unless I go under the knife, and I am terrified of pain.

But getting back to her. This house must cost a cool ten million easy and that’s not including the prime acreage it was sitting on. Or all the other add-ons and doodads that were hard to miss.

I remember when it was being built in this new development someone had plopped down smack dab on the outskirts of an already well established neighborhood that had housed the wealthy denizens of this county going back a couple hundred years.

Everyone had been talking about this particular home, because of it’s strategic placement on a rise, almost looking down at the town. Not to mention when the new owners dug a four-acre pond that ran the length of the front of the property.

It was easily the biggest house for miles around with immaculate gardens and landscaping fit for a country club. So when just the husband, wife and little girl moved into the oversized mansion, there was even more talk.

I hadn’t seen them that much, in fact I would’ve probably forgotten all about them if Cindy hadn’t become their babysitter two years ago, just a few months after they moved here. I’m not as nosy as some of our other neighbors so what they had or who they were, really wasn’t that important to me.

By my first day on the job I’d already been pretty much brought up to speed on the lives and times of Brandon and Rachel Dash. Well as much as anyone else has been anyway. I didn’t know what to expect and still don’t come to think of it.

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