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He came into the kitchen once while I was feeding Lily and just from his presence, my skin grew hot and I became short of breath. I wasn’t sure when I felt his hand brush against mine as he leaned over to talk to his daughter, that it wasn’t intentional.

But he didn’t even seem to notice so I left it alone. Though I secretly wished that it was indeed his intent. Now I’m super sensitive and hyper aware of everything he does when he’s that close.

I didn’t question why he had to stand so close to me while talking to his daughter. He didn’t even include me in the conversation, but it was already like I was part of it. Like even though his words were said to her, his whole focus the whole time he was in that room, was on me.

Wishful thinking Brielle. Very wishful thinking. Wishful or not the thought followed me into the shower after I’d put Lily down for the night. Now I was even more excited about the trip and being alone with him.

I’ve never in my life seen myself as a Lolita, but one afternoon spent laughing with him and my head was full of ideas. If only I had it in me to flirt, to make myself available to him. That would be the day.

I rolled onto my back in the cool room and looked up at the ceiling deep in thought as my mind played over the last three days, well actually this has been going on for a couple of weeks now.

It started when Cindy first asked me to be her fill-in. If it had been anyone else the answer would’ve been a resounding no. But since it was my bestie I swallowed my pride. I told myself it would just be one more summer adventure like all the others that had gone before.

Of course those others were spent on Safari or in a jungle somewhere, not my neighbor’s, well almost neighbor anyways, backyard. But I have to admit that I was a little bit intrigued after listening to all the stories Cindy had to tell.

Thankfully my parents had already left on their yearly summer long vacation on our yacht, touring the Caribbean. Had they been home and heard of this latest caper in a long list of them that Cindy and I had come up with over the years, they would’ve not only nixed it but would have made me running appointments with the family shrink.

I’d kicked against the idea at first as well, but then Cindy all but cried about losing her scholarship and I gave in, though one, I don’t like kids and two, even though I like free stuff, I can afford a summer at the beach.

But, a friend’s a friend so I caved, and not because she kept telling me how hot he was from the moment she started working here two years ago. I never really paid much attention to her ravings because her taste can change on a dime.

But the day she brought me here to meet him because he said he wanted to see if I would be a good fit for his little girl, I took one look and got it. It was one of those times I wished I hadn’t eaten that last chocolate muffin instead of going for the bran like my ass needed.

He wasn’t just hot; he was hella hot. He has the darkest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, so intense, and dimples. The kind you can poke your finger in. And when he smiles it’s like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Bright!

His jet-black hair was cut in a way that made it fall across his forehead if he moved a certain way. And I guess that’s what made him not look his age of thirty-two.

Not that he was boyish, there was nothing boyish about his rugged cheekbones and those muscles that showed beneath his clothes. He just looked young, carefree, and enigmatic.

He had a certain playful light in his eye and seemed very relaxed and easy going. The conversation that day was light and in depth at the same time.

And by that I mean he was very interested in my qualifications for taking care of his daughter, but he made me feel comfortable and relaxed while he grilled me.

I’d left that interview not sure any more that I could do it. I know my limitations and there was no way I could spend the whole summer around that man without doing something stupid.

It’s almost like meeting your TV crush knowing that you can never have him. And terrified that you’d say or do the wrong thing. At eighteen I’m not too old to be over that stuff yet.

I had butterflies and anxiety almost everyday leading up to me coming here. And the daydreams not to mention what went on in my head at night while I slept, was enough to fill a book of erotic art.

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