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She tried to suck my face off as her pussy refused to release my cock from its hot depths. Our tongues dueled each other until I won. “Behave. I have to go check on Lily let go.” She got a playful light in her eye and I was amazed at just how far we’d come in just one day.

“Stay in bed, I’ll put her down for her nap and be right back.” I pecked her lips one last time before grabbing some shorts and a tee shirt and left the room after closing the door softly behind me.


I wish there was someone I could call to share this joy with. “Oh shit! I sat straight up in bed. Cindy, what the hell am I going to tell her? I felt low as a slug. It’s true that I knew her interest in him, but from her own admission, he never showed any in her.

So am I wrong for taking what he offered me that he hadn’t shared with her? Did that make me a bad person? And what about the fact that I wasn’t willing to give it up? Not even for our friendship?

That one stumped me. It’s not like I could lie to myself and pretend that I was willing to give up what we’d shared last night and again just now. And it had nothing to do with our friendship. One thing shouldn’t have anything to do with the other.

I’ll think about it later. Right now I don’t want anything taking away from the glow I feel within. I rolled around on the bed feeling giddy with that ball of excitement curled tight in my tummy. I’d pinch myself to make sure that it was real but I don’t have to. I have the sweet ache between my thighs for an answer.

He was back not even ten minutes later and he pulled off his shirt and lost his shorts on the way to the bed. “She’s down for the next two hours and the nanny’s under strict orders to stay with her until she wakes up.”

His dick was already hard so there was no need to guess what he planned to do for those two hours. It was fun trying to be quiet while he tried to put my back out.

We laughed together when I came and couldn’t stop for five minutes straight. We tussled for position before he let me win and end up on top so I could ride his cock to my heart’s content. And I didn’t even care that the bed was rocking and was sure to be heard.

And when the time was almost up he pulled the sheet up over me and left me to sleep while he went to see about his daughter. I think I had a smile on my face the whole time I slept.

That’s pretty much how our days went, he ended up hiring the nanny the whole of that first week, and though he didn’t neglect Lily, he spent most of his time those days tending to me.

By week’s end I was hooked and all my old fears came rushing back in. He’s bound to get tired of me soon. Haven’t we been having too much sex? What’s that saying mom’s so fond of again? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

This new emotional roller coaster that I’ve been on these last couple of days can’t be good for my heart. One minute I’d be the highest I’ve ever been, and the next I’d come crashing down again.

And he really wasn’t much help, sometimes I’d find him staring off into space and get that bad feeling in my gut that he was trying to find a way to tell me he didn’t want me anymore.

Today was such a day as that. I’d just seen him in the study just staring at nothing. I eased the door closed and since Lily was asleep headed down to the water directly in front of the house.

I don’t know how long I was down there at the water’s edge feeling sorry for myself and doodling in the sand when I heard a boat’s engine. I looked up just in time to see someone pulling in before jumping down and tying off.

The man walked towards me with a big smile on his face and since he was carrying some kind of box in his hands, I didn’t feel fear.

“Well hello there, you must be Brandon’s new babysitter.”

I got to my feet and dusted the sand off the ass of my shorts. I didn’t know we were having company or I would’ve worn something more substantial than the short shorts.

“Yes I am.” I held out my hand to take his when he shifted the box under his arm and offered it. The way he looked me up and down and winked was more fun than sexual, at least I thought so.

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