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I knew I only had a short window of time before he got tired of me, so I took care of his condom supply straight off the bat. There was always the danger of him using them with someone else, since we weren’t exclusive, but it was the risk I had to take.

Besides, I knew in those early days he’d stay focused on just me. That’s the way he usually operates when he’s breaking in someone new.

So when the time came for him to start losing interest I was sweating bricks until I came up pregnant. He didn’t take the news as poorly as some, but it was obvious that he wasn’t pleased.

It didn’t matter though because as I told him, with tears rolling down my face, abortion was out of the question. It was against my religion. Of course I knew he would offer marriage.

What else can a man in his position do after all? It’s what I’d been banking on. Even if he didn’t offer marriage being the mother of his child would still afford me some benefits.

He’d been meticulous all his life when it came to getting a woman pregnant. That’s something else I’d learned about him while studying him. He still has no idea that I messed with his condoms the first time I went to his house.

The plan was going fine, even though there was no love in the marriage, he treated me well and there was nothing I wanted that I couldn’t have. His money was like water for me. The sex was phenomenal and I always wondered how he’d be with a woman he truly loved.

Those thoughts had plagued me for a while and maybe it was the pregnancy hormones or the inevitable, but somewhere along the way I started having feelings for him. I became almost obsessed with gaining his love.

But I was only fooling myself. If it wasn’t for the child in my belly he would’ve been long rid of me. He probably wouldn’t even have remembered my name. But the baby, oh how he loved his little girl.

But the group I became a part of for support had started filling my head with stuff. They even convinced me that if I could get him to join them that I’d win his love for sure. But he had no interest.

As I saw my dreams dwindling away I got even more desperate. And because I wanted to hate him to hurt him for not loving me, I let them talk me into doing things.

First I started giving them a lot of money. I guess I thought wasting his money would hurt him knowing how much he loves the stuff. But he didn’t even seem to notice.

And then the group leader had gotten greedy and pretty soon the few thousand I threw at them a month wasn’t enough since they had a pretty good idea thanks to me, how much my husband was really worth.

So they came up with this scheme. I’ll ask for a divorce on the grounds of depraved indifference because of his sexual preference. Something else I’d shared with them.

They figured he’d pay out the nose because of his status and not wanting others to know that he was into tying up his wife and spanking her during sex.

They couldn’t have been more wrong. As soon as I said the word divorce it’s like he was just waiting for it. In the months leading up to it I’d led him to believe that it was the pregnancy that had messed with my mind.

He was very attentive then. He was so in love with his new daughter that it was like I could get away with anything. But I was wrong.

Not only did he go through with the divorce like I hadn’t expected and hadn’t planned for, he did it viciously. I thought for sure with all that I knew about him that he would want to stay married for his child’s sake.

I thought that there was no way he would let go the mother of his child. But I was so very wrong. He also dug into my involvement with the group and used that against me.

The judge fell for it all, and when they dug up some not so nice things about some of the group members, especially the leaders, it was easy for him to take my child away and give her to her dad who was in their eyes, a more stable choice.

Even after all that, I was still sure that I could win him back. I knew the strength of his love for our daughter, but now I didn’t have a leg to stand on. He had all parental rights, the money was his and because of the prenup and that stupid group, I had lost everything.

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