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Yeah, kind of like telling the man that you want him any way you can have him.

It was ballsy to say the least, but also…liberating. Plus, it was hardly his fault. In black boots, jeans, and a grey Henley over a black t-shirt, Henri had looked like a thief in the night standing in the dark—a really sexy one—and if it hadn’t been for the obvious fact that Henri felt the same way, Bailey just might think about getting out of town for a few days to clear his head of this insanity.

As it was, he was thinking the best cure for this affliction was to get Henri naked, and in a bed, where Bailey could join him for as many hours as it took to get Henri out of his system—and midnight seemed like the perfect time to start.

Bailey headed to the fridge to hunt down a beer, and just as he opened it, Xander walked into the kitchen. As his eyes widened, he strode in Bailey’s direction, came to a stop behind the open door, and placed his arms on top of it. “Well? Did you call him back?”

Oh yeah, I called him, all right, Bailey thought. Called him. Kissed him. Almost tore his clothes off against the side of my house. But instead of saying any of that, he twisted the top off his beer, took a swig, and nodded. “I did.”

Xander’s brow arched, and Bailey already knew what he was going to say before he opened his mouth.

“And what happened? Don’t think you get to vanish for fifteen minutes and leave me to entertain your pain-in-the-ass brothers without giving up the goods. I quit thinking they were cute when I was a teenager; now they just feel like my pain-in-the-ass brothers.”

“Okay, okay. Fair point. Especially Sean.”

“Exactly,” Xander said, as Bailey shut the fridge. “So you can make it up to me by telling me what happened. Are you going to see him again?”

Bailey’s lips twitched—lips that were swollen because of Henri. “I already did.”

Xander, not a fool in any way, shape, or form, frowned. “You already did?”

“Yep.” Bailey raised his beer to his lips and said, “He came over to see me tonight, and when he saw all of you, he snuck down the side of the house.”

“He stalked you?” Xander grinned and shook his head. “I told you that you should’ve done that. Although, now that I think about it, I don’t know if that’s hot or—”

“Oh, it was hot,” Bailey said, as a satisfied grin slid across his lips, and Xander leaned back against the kitchen counter and crossed his arms.

“I’m assuming we’re not talking about the phone call now?”

“I always did say you were too smart for your own good.”

Xander scoffed. “No, you didn’t. You always said I was too arrogant.”

“You’re that too,” Bailey said as he shoved away from the counter.

“Look at you. You’re close to fucking floating around this kitchen. He must be something else.”

“Shut up.”

“It’s true.”

Bailey rolled his eyes. “Shut up anyway. Shouldn’t we get in there? Sean and Kieran will start asking questions otherwise.”

“They think you were on the phone with work.”

“Oh, thanks for that.”

“No problem. But, um, Bay?”


“Where is your ghost right now?”

Bailey grinned and winked at his friend. “He disappeared. But I have it on good authority that he’s going to reappear at midnight.”

Chapter Eighteen


Ding dong, the witch is dead.

And I’m not sad about that one fucking bit.

HENRI UNLOCKED HIS front door, looked around the empty space that greeted him, and knew that the next few hours were going to feel like forever. It’d taken him fifteen minutes to get from Bailey’s back to his place, and now that he was home, he was already wishing the night away.

Walking away from his cop tonight had been a lesson in self-restraint, something he wasn’t particularly good at, or fond of. He was more the self-indulgent type when it came to going after what he wanted. There’d only ever been one person he’d been willing to bend that indulgent streak for, but since that got him absolutely nowhere fast, Henri had decided there was nothing wrong with satisfying his sexual appetites any way he fucking wanted to these days—and he wanted Bailey, and planned to have him.

What had started out as an impulsive decision had turned out to be one of the best moves he’d made in a very long time. Sure, there was still that niggling voice in the back of his head reminding him how risky this was, but it was being drowned out by the sexy sounds Bailey had made tonight, as he’d practically dry-humped Henri’s leg, and nothing could erase that.

As he crossed the living room, Henri spotted the bottle of whiskey he’d been tempted to dive headfirst into earlier, and was thankful that he’d resisted the urge. He had a feeling that things would’ve turned out very differently had he turned up at Bailey’s house drunk. But luckily for him, things had turned out fucking perfect.

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