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“Come, wife,” he growls into my mouth.

“Anywhere you want to take me, husband,” I purr back, melting into him as he strides through the moonlit woods.

Chapter 12


My back crashes against the big wooden center post of Tor’s tent, and when he crushes against my body and kisses me fiercely, I moan into his lips.

I’m married.



The thought sends heat blazing through me, my skin tingling and my heart racing with excitement as I kiss him hungrily, with everything I have, until we’re gasping for air. His mouth falls to my neck, making me cry out in pleasure as his lips tease my skin, teeth nipping at me just enough to take my breath away. His big hands slide over my hips, pulling me into him possessively and grinding the thick bulge in his breeches against my center.

The gauzy white dress that Freya found for me was a bit large for me, and so we ended up cinching it with one of her metal and bead studded leather belts. Couple that with the Viking sandals on my feet and the crown of flowers in my hair, and I feel like… well, some sort of forest nymph. Part lord’s daughter, part girl of the forest. And entirely Tor’s.

There’s no shame or regret about having already done what I know we’re about to do before we were wed. Because it was with him. With my husband. And knowing it’s Tor who took my virginity, and Tor and Tor alone who’ll have me, for the rest of our lives, is a thought that has me aching for more of him.

For all of him.

There’s a boldness to me that wasn’t there before—carnal knowledge filling me with power, perhaps. But whatever it is, my hands go where they want, without fear, or without trepidation. I trace my fingers down his chest, plucking at the ties to his tunic until it opens deep down his muscled chest. The Nordic Viking tattoos on his chest and shoulders draw my eyes, and I coo softly as I trace them with a fingertip. I lean in to kiss his chest as my hands peel his tunic up his muscled abs, pulling away from him just long enough for him to tug the shirt off and throw it aside. And then I’m right back in his arms, moaning as he kisses me.

Tor’s hands find my belt, tugging it open easily and letting it drop. It barely hits the dirt when his fingers find the ties to my dress, and when he yanks it open eagerly, his eyes blazing and a growl in his throat, I moan as his eyes drink in my body.

“Beautiful,” he purrs in that accent I love. His hands skim over my body, sliding the dress from my shoulders and letting it drop before his fingers tease over my skin. He cups my full breasts, thumbs rolling my nipples as his lips tease my neck. My hands drop to his breeches, shaking as I pull at the ties there. I open them, taking a deep breath, and I boldly slide my hands into his breeches.

God he’s so big.

I gasp as my fingers brush over his swollen cock, trapped in the confines of his pants and throbbing to be free. He pulses against my hand, and when I curl my fingers around him, Tor groans in pleasure. I tug at his breeches, slipping them down over his muscled hips. His enormous cock springs free, bringing a gasp to my lips as it lands heavily in my hands. I moan, stroking him slowly and softly, feeling him swell even harder in my hands as he groans in pleasure.

“Just like that, little bird,” he growls, hissing as I stroke his thickness. “Gods do your hands feel good.”

“As good as my pussy?” I whisper, the very words making me even wetter as the heat sizzles through me.

“Nay,” he growls. “Nothing in this world is as sweet as your pretty little cunt.”

I wasn’t there, but I remember Catriona telling me a story about seeing one of her father’s banner men and the wife of another lord in the stables once. I remember her blushing as she told me about the woman dropping to her knees and… and putting her mouth on her lover’s cock. I blush fiercely, just like I did when she first told me the story. But suddenly, I get it. It’s an act I’ve never imagined before, but with Tor, it’s like I want to explore it all.

I want to give him all of me, and to experience all of him. And very suddenly, I know exactly what I want to do.

I lean up, kissing him hungrily as I stroke his cock against my soft tummy. Tor groans, one hand sliding around to grip my ass tightly, the other still cupping my breast.

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