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I know I could have run off with Catriona. I know what I felt in her when I kissed her. Hells, I know what she felt when I kissed her, because I’ve been reliving that kiss and the way she pressed herself to me so willingly and so eagerly as she moaned into my mouth.

Of course, it was right after that that she slapped me, flat-handed, right across my jaw. But even now, I’m not angry at it. If anything, it’s just fueled my desire for her. Recklessly. And my cock has been hard as stone for weeks because of it.

Yes, I could have stolen her. Maybe I should have. But I asked permission from her father first, nonetheless. After all, Lachlan McDougall has my respect as a former soldier himself. So, I asked, and then she ran.

I growl as the horse thunders closer to the over-grown tower of Aerie Doon Keep.

Silly princess…

Because now she will be mine. The chase has my blood roaring. The hunt of tracking her down and reminding her how mine she is. Because I’ve had a taste, and now, I’m here for the rest.

I know what she really wants. I know the way she moaned when I kissed her before. I know she’s mine, and so does she, even if that wildness in her is insisting on fighting the feeling. But let her run. Let her argue with herself and try and convince herself that she isn’t mine. Let her try and sass me, or try and scare me away, like she did with all of the others.

She’ll find soon enough that I’m twice the man of any of the rest of them. She’ll learn soon enough that I won’t scare off easily. I won’t run away like a coward. I won’t be leaving at all unless it’s with what I came for.


There’s movement up in the window at the top of the watch tower, and I chuckle as I watch her pretty blonde hair poke up from the windowsill. Her eyes lock onto mine, and I watch, even from this distance, as they go wide, her mouth turning into a little “O” shape.

A hungry grin spreads across my face.

Found you.

I ride harder, until my steed come to a stuttering stop at the foot of the tower, dust kicking up around us as I soothe him. Catriona’s horse is tethered nearby, but when I dismount, I let my steed roam free, knowing he’ll come at my call when I need him to. My jaw tightens as I turn for the big wooden door at the base of the watch tower, and when I stride towards it with purpose, I can feel my muscles clenching in anticipation. A low growl rumbles in my chest, my hands close to fists, and a fire blazes deep inside of me.

…My cock thickens and hardens to steel beneath my tartan.

I’ve tasted her once, and it was enough to shatter my world. I kissed her lips and knew there’d be none other for me but her. And now, I’ve come for just that. I’ve come for my bride, and I won’t be leaving without her.

I do her the courtesy of knocking once. But when all I hear is a muffled scrambling sound from inside, my grin only widens.

She may have run from me, and tried to hide from me, but I know what I felt when I kissed her that night all those weeks before. And I damn well know what she felt, because it all came out in that kiss. The way she gripped me tightly. The way she moaned so eagerly and so sweetly into my mouth. The way she hungrily tasted me right back, and the way she whimpered in protest when I finally pulled away from her swollen lips.

Catriona may have scared every other man in Scotland away, but she doesn’t scare me. And I’m about to show her exactly how futile her mock protests are.

I knock once more, and when I again only hear muffled scuffling sounds, I chuckle as I step back, dip my shoulder, and charge the door with a growl on my lips. The crumbling old thing goes crashing in, swinging wide on rusty hinges as I go tumbling into the tower—

…right into the sharp end of a spear.

I blink, grunting and catching myself just in time before the damn thing goes through my chest. My hand flies out, gripping the shaft tight as my eyes flick up the length of it, up over the creamy skin of the lithe arms holding it, over the pouty pink lips, the petulant little scowl, the bright blue eyes, and the honeyed blonde hair.

My gaze locks on Catriona, blushing pink and wild-eyed as she holds the spear out at me, and slowly, I start to grin.

“Well now,” I growl, a smile teasing my lips as I drink her in.

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