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It was the scent of resignation, truth and the awareness that Liza’s scent had drastically changed. Changed more than mating heat could ever be responsible for.

As though a stopper had been pulled free, allowing some physical part of her loose, as well as the subconscious, her entire scent had suddenly changed, and Stygian knew why.

She wasn’t hiding any longer.

Whatever had happened, however she had managed to avoid the three forms that had been seen flying into the room, it had done more than cause a few scratches on her knees, palms and cheek.

It had done far more.

“Stygian,” Jonas was moving into the room, his tone dark and demanding

Too fucking late.

Staring down at his mate, he saw the knowledge in her gaze that the reckoning was here.

“Later, Jonas!” Striding into their bedroom, he placed her on their bed, turning and meeting Jonas before he could push his way into the room.

“Later,” he repeated, stepping past the threshold and holding the door open only inches to ensure he heard if Liza were in danger again.

God, he wouldn’t be able to leave her alone for a second for years—for a lifetime.

Terror was still tearing through him, cramping his guts and burning through his mind.

The knowledge that the attack on the hotel was designed to take his mate had come the moment the signal to his security had vibrated in the watch he wore.

The explosion of the windows had set off the alarm and given him the precious seconds he needed to turn from the elevator and race back to her.

If he had actually been faster and caught the doors before they closed on the cubicle, then he would have been too far away from her.

If the Breeds heading down to the bar had been seconds slower and hadn’t been in such a hurry, then it would have been all over and his mate would have been gone.

“I need to know what happened, Stygian,” Jonas growled, his gaze narrowed, his nostrils flaring as though to pick up her scent. “And she’ll need to be debriefed.”

“I fucking said later.” The animal snarl slurred his words, the primal, predatory sound jerking the attention of every Breed that had converged in the room to them.

Stygian could feel their eyes on him, their hack

les raising and their animals preparing for battle.

Eerie silver eyes flashed in a suddenly stony face.

“You take me for a fool,” Jonas growled, though his tone was pitched so low Stygian had to strain to hear him.

“I take you for a Breed that has no idea when to step back and keep your machinations to yourself,” Stygian snapped back. “You will back off. This is my mate they nearly disappeared with, and I’ll be damned if you’ll take her from me before I know she’s unharmed.”

Stepping back, Stygian didn’t give the other man a chance to comment or to argue before closing the heavily reinforced door in his face and locking it.

The sound of the metal bars inside the steel door snapping into place could be heard even in the other room. The implications of what he had done weren’t lost on him.

He could have made Jonas an enemy for life.

His mate’s safety, both physical and emotional, was far more important.

“Liza.” Moving to where she had sat up on the bed, her gaze on the floor, Stygian knelt before her, one hand tucking beneath her chin to lift her gaze to his. “Are you okay, baby?”

She shook her head slowly, the tears contained in her eyes slowly falling.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Cupping her cheek, he felt fear tear through him. “Tell me where it hurts.”

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