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The room suddenly seemed way too small; the air around her too thick and heavy with male testosterone and dominant power.

“Miss Johnson,” Jonas greeted her cordially as she rose from her seat and Jonas stepped in front of her. “We need your help.”

Liza’s jaw tightened furiously as she came to her feet. “You need more than my help and you’re sure as hell going to need a few good lawyers.”

She really wasn’t happy over this. And if Cullen and Reever’s comments were any indication, then they were furious. The team of Coyote soldiers that had actually been following Liza had managed to completely disappear.

Reever had already threatened to have several of the men in the room neutered. Jonas was threatening to castrate them himself.

“We just saved your life,” Jonas stated, as though that were a boon she owed him.

She didn’t think so.

“Your people just endangered it,” she snapped. “Let me tell you now—” She was suddenly distracted by Jonas’s hand slicing quickly into the air as Diane Broen, Lawe Justice and Rule Breaker each made a quick, silencing move themselves.

They had been searching the room as she and Jonas squared off, and were now lifting what appeared to be small electronic devices from several points in the luxurious sitting room.

Listening devices.

The room had been bugged.

Jonas stared at the device Diane handed him, his expression slowly tightening into sharp, icy lines.

Someone had managed to bug his suite. They had invaded his mate and child’s safety and security.

The signal had piggybacked on their own wireless devices and betrayed them.

And Jonas had no idea how long it had been in his rooms.

Or if there were more, let alone how Gideon Cross had actually managed to get them in there.

Fucking Bengal bastard! He was like a ghost haunting every area of Jonas’s life now.

Turning to Lawe, he lifted his hand and gave a slow circle with his index finger, indicating a full-suite electronic blackout, white noise as well as jamming technology.

It would unfortunately block the transmission between Ms. Johnson and her protectors, but his family’s security outweighed any possible manipulation of the Bengal Breed.

Gideon Cross had just upped the ante.

Jonas turned then and stared back at Liza Johnson and in the scent of her fear, learned something more.

His sense of smell was rated off the charts. He was believed to be one of the strongest sensory Breeds to have been created.

If there was a stronger Breed, then they weren’t revealing it.

And what he scented in this woman’s very DNA had him smiling slowly.

The game was just beginning.

It wouldn’t be easy, and it would skirt damned close to breaking his own personal rules, but he had to do what had to be done.

Not just for the two young women and two Bengal Breeds affected by the serum that monster Brandenmore had created, but for Jonas’s daughter as well.

For that sweet bit of innocence his mate had given birth to and had given into his keeping as his own.

For Amber, he had to make this work.

Liza watched a smile cross the Breed’s lips and the way those liquid mercury eyes seemed to brighten with anticipation.

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