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“Oh no, baby. Let me fuck you!” he snarled back at her as his head lowered to the vulnerable crook of her neck, the sensitive flesh where her shoulder met her neck, and he licked her with erotic hunger, forcibly holding himself back from the bite he needed to deliver.

His hips slammed against the rounded curves of her ass. Perspiration covered both their bodies, the wet slide of flesh and the primal joining creating an erotic, animalistic coupling that sent his senses reeling.

Control. He’d always had the control to never take a woman in such a way.

He’d always had the consideration, the knowledge of what his strength would do to them.

And still, he was helpless in taking his mate.

Helpless, filled with such hunger for her that each throaty cry from her lips, each proof of her pleasure only spurred him further, pushed him to take her with all the hunger that had burned inside him since the day her scent had slapped the animal inside him awake.

And it was awake now.

Her pussy tightened impossibly further, the burning grip of her muscles intensifying, the fluttering response that vibrated in the depths stroking against the throb of the barb beginning to emerge from captivity.

Lawe was certain he couldn’t lose control of the animalistic urges inside him more than he already had. He was certain he couldn’t mark her deeper, certain the pleasure couldn’t blaze higher or hotter.

He should have known better than to tempt his genetics with such thoughts. As her cunt began to ripple tighter around his dick, as her juices flowed hotter, her pleasure peaking to an explosion he could sense rippling through her, Lawe lost that final edge he maintained on his control.

Turning his head as he pushed the hair from the back of her neck, his lips parted over the vulnerable nape of her neck, and he bit.

He tasted her blood as his canines broke her flesh. Tasted the hormone flowing from his tongue as he felt his cock twitch, felt it swell thicker, harder, as his semen began spurting from the tip with violent ecstasy.

Immediately, a growl from his chest as the barb emerged from its position just beneath the flared head at the top of his dick, stretching his flesh, throbbing, swelling inside her and locking into that hidden curve deep in her cunt to spill its own release.

Fluttering against the ultrasensitive female flesh there, finding the bundle of nerves just beneath her clitoris and pressing inside it, the barb locked him inside her and increased the ecstasy for them both.

Rapture exploded over and over inside them.

Beneath him, Diane convulsed again, the second wave of release more intense than first, fueled by the barb spurting and fluttering against the sensitive curve it held in its possession.

Lawe growled against the nape of her neck, his hips jerking, his release spurting inside her again, blinding him with the pleasure of it until the last eruption sent a shudder racing through him.

His teeth were still locked in place, his tongue licking, stroking, easing the sting that might have existed if it weren’t for the hormone spilling into the womb.

The mating hormone.

Easing his teeth back from the shallow bite, he laved it again, this time with more languorous licks as he felt the final pulses of the hormone easing from the glands beneath his tongue.

Covering her, Lawe felt her body relax into the bed, exhausted, sated, her ragged breaths matching the pace of her still-racing heart.

Still buried inside her, locked in place to allow his seed every chance to find fertile ground, Lawe too fought to simply breathe.

A part of him felt shattered. An emotion much too close to terror began to grow insidiously inside him.

He could lose her. Even now, over twenty years after the vivisection that had killed his mother and her mate, there were still those scientists who used the pure blood groups and other various Breed enemies to secure live research specimens for them.


Those Breeds who found the one whose unique biological, chemical and pheremonal makeup came together to ensure they stayed together as long as they lived. Because each was the perfect match to the other to ensure conception and the survival of the species.

He’d heard some say God had adopted them.

The reverend he knew said God had touched man’s creation and bestowed the Breeds with a soul to show man, once and for all, that only God could give life. And still others said they were no more than a fluke of nature, like a reptile. Soulless, capable of nothing but survival and dark evil.

And there were those who would give their own children to possess a hybrid Breed, a child of a mated pair, to learn the unique secrets the Breeds could one day possess.

Proof of any of their abilities would almost certainly ensure the destruction of the Breeds if used the wrong way.

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