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“Son of a bitch,” he growled, the exclamation an animalistic rasp pushed between his teeth.

“None of the information I found applies to her,” she informed him. “And you know what, Lawe, I’m tired of looking. Especially considering the fact you’ve had a team just waiting to push me out and take over.”

The look on his face assured her he would have done just that.

“I didn’t know you were on that mission,” he finally told her, his voice harsh. “I had the team covering you, nothing more, in case your uncle’s enemies found you again. They hadn’t even notified me that Jonas had sent you out. As far as I knew, you were still on that security detail in California.”

The expression of self-disgust on his face had her suspecting he just might be telling the truth, but it didn’t really matter. Once he had learned what she was doing, he would have still pulled her out of it.

She snorted at the excuse. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, asshole. And that security detail? I’m not a friggin’ moron. I knew it for what it was while I was there. A damned pat on the head and a safe little corner to stand the weak little female in.” She flipped her hand carelessly as she stared back at him in disgust. “Now, I have reports in triplicate to write for your boss and a few vacations to arrange for my men. I have paychecks to write and bills to pay. Deposit my damned fee in my account so I can get that done.” Her voice rose in anger. “And leave me the hell alone.”

While he was speechless, or at least not speaking, she pushed past him and stomped across the room to the door. She threw a very human, more than furious snarl at the guard standing inside.

There were two more outside and two more at each end of the hall. The mated wife of the director of the Bureau of Breed Affairs was in attendance, so the security required was no less impressive than that of the alpha’s mated wives on the next level.

That didn’t mean there was a single damned Breed in the place that she wanted anything to do with at the moment.

Jerking her key card from the back of her jeans Diane swiped it through the electronic lock and pushed her way into the room.

As she knew they would be, her men were waiting, still and silent, their gazes narrowed as she came inside.

“Boss, I don’t like these fucking Breeds tellin’ us what to do,” Brick bitched immediately as she closed the door behind her, his dark face creased in a scowl. “This ain’t no fun for me at all. And I sure as hell don’t enjoy getting my leg trashed by some bastard out to keep secrets from them. I say we ditch this hellhole and go back to our real jobs.”

Their real jobs. Military an

d private engagements that of course paid much better, but despite the sniper earlier that day, was still a hell of a lot more dangerous. And those jobs were guaranteed to keep her away from her sister and her niece if they ever needed her again.

Malcolm and Aaron mumbled in agreement as Thor stepped forward and laid several electronic listening devices on the long narrow table beside her.

Diane stared down at them.

“Hell,” she said, sighing. “When did you find these?”

“When we came back in,” he said softly. “Someone slipped in here while we were out, boss.”

“You’re not safe here,” Aaron said with quiet anger. “And these damned Breeds ain’t doin’ a damned thing to protect you.”

She turned and glanced at the door. “There are Breed guards up the hall,” she stated. “How could someone have slipped in?”

“If they were dressed as hotel staff even a Breed could have gotten in here,” Thor pointed out. “The Enforcers are far enough up the hall that no scent would have reached them.”

“What about the ones at the elevator?” She shook her head in confusion. “They’re not Breed devices.”

She knew every design they used, even the covert ones. Jonas had made certain she didn’t risk removing one the Breeds had placed while she was tracking Brandenmore’s scientists.

“Hotel staff,” Malcolm said once again. “All they had to do was look, act and smell the part.”

“Unless they didn’t show you all their listening devices,” Aaron pointed out. “Just in case they decided to watch you closer.” He was glaring at her. Aaron and Thor were the two strongest personalities in the unit and were usually the ones to argue with her or approach her with any disagreements the other two had.

Diane bent closer and stared at the one Thor had taken apart. Taking the magnifying glass Thor offered her, she surveyed the internal components silently.

The electronics didn’t look Breed, but anything was possible when it came to the men and women created to be more cunning, more vicious than any other species on earth.

Diane started to shake her head again, only to have a firm knock on her door interrupt her. She dropped her chin instead and blew out an irritated breath.

She should have known better than to think they would just let her escape.

She knew who it was. Sure as her name was what it was, she knew who it was.

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