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The guards immediately stopped dragging Bella and Ronan toward the side door, the one that led to the prison.

“Where is it?” The queen’s voice stung Bella’s skin like the lash of a frozen whip, making her wince.

“It’s hidden with magick. You’ll never find it on your own, but before I reveal it to you—”

“I’m the Summer Queen. What makes you think I couldn’t find it?”

Bella stifled a cry. The queen’s voice cut into her mind, becoming more like knife than a whip with every syllable she uttered.

“I kept it hidden from the Phaendir and I can keep it hidden from you.”

His tone held a note of arrogance. Sweet Danu, they were all going to die.

Ronan continued. “I’ll reveal the location of the piece, but you must agree, in front of witnesses, to several conditions.”

The queen took a breath, regaining control—thank Danu—before replying. “You’re not in a position to make demands, Ronan.”

“Well, my queen, I have the piece.” He paused. “And you don’t.”

For a moment Bella thought the queen might explode. Her icy, angry reserve had taken the leap to hot lava in the span of a heartbeat. “I can’t do anything with your piece of the bosca fadbh without its mates. So you see, dear Ronan, your offer might not be as juicy as you presume.”

“But if you have the piece, then the Phaendir does not. I do not need to point out that the Shadow King would also not have it. That should be tempting enough. And perhaps, if you don’t shout Off with his head! I might be able to get the other pieces of the bosca fadbh. Perhaps even the lost Book of Bindings.”


“Nothing is impossible if you know the right people and pay the right price.” He paused and lowered his voice. “You of all people should know that.”

The queen said nothing. She only stared at him, her fingers clenching around the polished rose-quartz armrests of her throne, her perfect, beautiful face revealing no hint of what she might be thinking. The entire room seemed to hold its breath—including the guards who still loosely gripped Bella’s arm.

“You’re aiming far too high and assuming far too much about me, Ronan. I dislike it.”

“Forgive me.” He inclined his head. “I seek only to give you what the Phaendir want desperately to possess. Aren’t you at least a little curious about why they want it so badly? I am.”

The queen jerked her chin upward. “Before I make my decision, tell me your terms. Tell me what kind of trade you want me to make for the piece.”

“I require that Bella remains unharmed and unpunished for coming with me to obtain the piece, and for her to retain her position in the Seelie Court, no matter what, until the natural end of her days. No matter what information may come to light about her in the future, no matter what she may do, so long as it’s within the bounds of Seelie Court law.”

The wording was precise and he did that for a reason. The queen was known to try and wriggle through the loopholes of a promise.

The Summer Queen eyed Bella with undisguised curiosity. “That makes me think Bella has a secret or two.”

“No matter what secrets might be revealed about her, she must never be cast from the Seelie Court.” Ronan’s voice was steel to the Queen’s ice and contained a thread of resonating magick of his own. “Not her progeny either. Or her husband. All in her family must be safe from exile.”

“I take it you’re not finished, since you haven’t asked for your life yet.”

Ronan inclined his head. “I wish to retain my life and for all charges against me to be dropped.” Ronan turned and met Bella’s gaze. Holding it, he finished, “And to marry Bella, if she’ll have me.”

The queen drummed her fingers. “You’re asking for too much. Two lives, Ronan? No punishment for your crimes and a happy ending with Bella?” She shook her head. “You’ll undermine my credibility, and my enemies will begin to think I’m going soft and sentimental. I can’t have that.” She considered them for a long moment. “I will bargain for one life. Whose is it, Ronan? Yours or Bella’s?”

“No!” Bella shouted. “Don’t do this, Caoilainn Elspeth Muirgheal!” Names had power, so she invoked all of the queen’s. To no avail.

“Answer!” the queen demanded of Ronan.

Bella knew what Ronan would say before he said it. She had no question he would protect her life over his. Tears pricked her eyes and choked her throat. “No, Ronan, please!” The guards clamped down on Bella’s arms and drew her backward. She kicked and struggled against their strength. This couldn’t be happening.

Ronan met her eyes. Sorrow had turned his pupils a dark blue. “Bella’s life will be spared.”

“I thought as much. Now reveal the piece to me.”

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