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Her embrace tightened a degree. “I’d rather stay here.” Her voice held a note of fear in it, fear that she’d lose him again. He could feel it in her.


Bella didn’t want to do this. Oh, dear Lady, she didn’t want to face the wrath of the Summer Queen, didn’t want to run the risk of Ronan disappearing from her life again.

They walked into the square, and Ronan released the glamour he’d been holding around them for the last twelve blocks. A layer of snow had fallen throughout the day and coated the square in a glimmering sheet of white and ice that reflected the silvery light of the full moon above them. Lights in the evergreens twinkled and sparkled with a Yuletide Eve merriment Bella didn’t feel. Ordinarily she would be at a fete tonight, dressed to kill and drinking champagne.

Above them the clock in the center of the square struck the witching hour—winter solstice. The moment the twelfth chime ended, fireworks were launched from the top of every building, raining down sparkles and bursts of light. Booms, whizzing sounds and the joyful cries of the spectators filled the air.

Their uncertain future unfolded before them. The winter solstice was the shortest day of the year—but it also marked the point when the daylight would begin to increase. She would hold on to any bit of positive symbolism she could find.

It took only a handful of steps before the Imperial Guard marching in the square—undoubtedly on high alert—spotted them and trooped over. Harsh hands grabbed her and pulled her away as two of the men muscled Ronan to the ground and handcuffed him in iron.

“Get off me!” She shoved at the guard manhandling her, her hands finding only smooth, cold rose and gold metal.

“I abducted her,” Ronan yelled. “She’s been a prisoner ever since I broke out of Her Majesty’s Prison. Leave her alone!”

“No.” The guard released her, and she glared at the hulk who’d put bruises on her upper arms. “He’s lying. I went with him of my own free will.”

“Then you’re under arrest too,” answered the guard, turning her around and forcing the charmed iron around her wrists. She gasped at the touch of the metal against her skin and the empty way it made her feel—even her parlor trick amount of Seelie magick was gone.

They heaved Ronan to his feet, and he gave her a look of exasperation as they hauled them off toward the reaching rose-quartz spires of the Seelie Court, past the throng that had begun to form and the camera crew of Faemous, who were out of breath from their run to catch some footage. Bella was sure that even now the two of them were “breaking news.”

The guards pushed and prodded them up the marble staircase and down the gilded halls of the highest tower, straight to the throne room of the Summer Queen. The huge room was devoid of all but her advisors and favor ites. Aislinn was there, white-faced with fear for her friend. Bella met her eyes briefly and tried to smile, but it was stiff because she was afraid too—for Ronan.

The Summer Queen, Caoilainn Elspeth Muirgheal, sat on her heavy, carved rose-quartz throne, royal buttocks cushioned by velvet. The rest of the court had adapted and changed with the times where fashion was concerned, but not the Summer Queen, who was thousands of years old. Ancient even for a Tuatha Dé Danaan, and of the purest blood that could be found. Her long white blond hair was coiled and pinned around her pale, oval face. Her gown seemed to be woven from starlight and gold. She was heartbreakingly beautiful. Delicate looking, but stronger than any fae with the exception of perhaps the Shadow King, her power was linked to her position as the Seelie Royal. Eyes the light blue of a husky dog’s stared at them as they entered. Disapproval etched lines in her timeless face.

They came to a stop in front of her and both knelt, which was difficult to do, given the position of their hands behind their backs.

“Ronan Achaius Quinn, do you understand the severity of the charges leveled against you? Do you understand that the punishment fits the crime?” Her voice held power, strong Seelie magick, an

d it made all the hair on the back of Bella’s neck stand on end.

“It couldn’t be any worse than the punishment leveled against me before I escaped, my queen.”

“Oh, Ronan, you’re so young. There are fates worse than death.”

The timbre of her voice made Bella shudder. It wasn’t fully natural. The queen was very angry, and magick was slipping into her words.

The Summer Queen turned her frigid gaze toward Bella. “It’s you I’m most surprised at. Ronan has always had a rebellious streak, but you’ve never caused more than a moment’s stir at court. The guards tell me you say you went willingly with him. Did you help him escape the prison too?”

“No!” Ronan shouted. “Leave Bella out of this. I dragged her into this mess. It was all my fault.”

“I went willingly with him,” Bella raised her gaze to the queen’s. “And I’d do it again.”

The Summer Queen stiffened. Her spine looked rigid enough to crack. “If you care about him that much, you’ll suffer his punishment alongside him.”

“I have something for you, my queen,” said Ronan. “Something that might sweeten your mood toward my transgression.”

The queen seemed to ice over for a moment. She went perfectly still and white before speaking. “The object you stole for the Phaendir, no doubt. There’s nothing you could have that would sway me in my opinion of what you have done, Ronan.” She gestured to the guards. “Take them away until I’ve settled on a fitting fate for them both. Believe me, it will be something to impress the Unseelie.”

Dark, bloody, and violent. That’s the only thing that impressed the Unseelie.

The guards yanked Bella to her feet, making her gasp.

Ronan shook off the guards. “You don’t want a piece of the bosca fadbh?”


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