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“Engalls and Brandenmore are being dealt with,” Jonas drawled, his tone one of pure ice. “I’m more concerned with a rogue Breed’s indiscriminate killings. Find him, Cabal, or we could all be up shit creek without a paddle.”

Cabal grunted at that. “I thought we already were.”

“No, at the moment, we have a paddle,” Jonas informed him sarcastically. “Now find that bastard before he kills again. I’ll be damned if I want to try to clean up another mess like Banks. I’m certain there are still pieces of him missing.”

Cassa forced herself to remain silent. She had the pictures of that killing; she was certain she did. That one, and four others. Pictures that had been sent via secured emails, accusing the Breeds of hiding a killer.

She hadn’t doubted the Breeds were capable of it; she just hadn’t imagined that even a Breed could do the damage that had been done in those pictures.

Trepidation built inside her as she felt the sweat that began to trickle down her temple at the thought of being caught now. She knew Breed Law, and she knew the price of eavesdropping on this conversation. Like David Banks, she could disappear and her fate would never be known.

“You’re pissing in the wind, Jonas,” Cabal informed him. “We have nothing to go on here. No suspects, no clues. Until I have one or the other, we’re screwed.”

“Get it.” Jonas voice became dangerous, clipped. “Quickly, Cabal.”

“Yeah, I’ll get right on that, Director, just as soon as you tell me who the hell I’m looking for.” Cabal’s voice lowered until it vibrated with suppressed menace. “Until then, there’s not a hell of a lot more I can do.”

“Banks was from Glen Ferris. Get back there; see what you can find out. We’re supposed to be searching for him. Investigate it from that angle.”

“Just what I need, you telling me how to do my fucking job,” Cabal grunted.

“I could be telling you how to find your mate,” Jonas drawled with a hint of amusement. “I’m certain she’s around here somewhere. What do you think?”

A dangerous growl filled the air as Cassa felt her heart sink in her chest. Cabal was mated? No, that co

uldn’t be true. Breeds did not ignore their mates, and they sure as hell didn’t flirt with other women as Cabal had flirted with her earlier in the day during the wedding reception.

He wouldn’t have watched her as he had, nor would he have followed her to her cabin later.

Jonas had to be talking about a mate in general, not one in particular. Such as, seek and ye shall find. A why aren’t you looking for your mate type thing. That had to be it.

“Don’t fuck with me, Jonas,” Cabal warned him. “I’m not in the mood.”

Jonas chuckled. It wasn’t a comfortable or amused sound. It was frankly frightening.

“I’m not the one you have to worry about fucking with you, my friend,” he drawled. “I do believe though that our intrepid little reporter, Ms. Hawkins, could give you lessons in it.”

Cassa felt her lips part in shock. There was a hint of amusement in Jonas’s voice now but none in Cabal’s rumbled snarl. The sound was sexy as hell even as it sent chills racing up Cassa’s spine and a flood of warmth between her thighs.

“Drop it, Jonas,” Cabal warned him.

Yes, Jonas, please drop it, Cassa moaned silently. She was becoming aroused despite her best efforts. She had a feeling that whatever the pill did, it would be little defense against the scent of her need. And she was definitely needy. In the ten years since her husband’s death, she had never been so turned on as she was when she was around Cabal St. Laurents.

“Fine, consider it dropped.” She heard the shrug in Jonas’s voice. “The heli-jet will be ready to fly you to Glen Ferris in the morning. Investigate Banks’s disappearance. We might get lucky and you’ll find a suspect while you’re there.”

“Keep hoping,” Cabal grunted. “Trust me, Jonas, if they’re hiding a feral Breed in their midst, they’re not going to turn him over simply because I ask nicely.”

“You know how to ask nicely?” There was a wealth of sarcasm in Jonas’s voice.

“Go to hell.” There was a wealth of arrogance in Cabal’s.

Cassa wanted to laugh at the confrontation but stifled the impulse.

“I’ll return to hell, you check on our nosy reporter,” Jonas’s voice echoed with command once again as Cassa gave a small start of fear. “She was too jumpy at the reception tonight. Make sure she’s where she’s supposed to be.”

Cassa sensed the hesitation that filled the area on the other side of the shrubs.

“Is she becoming a problem?”

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