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“That shouldn’t be good enough for you, Zarifa.” Her violet eyes looked dark and mysterious as he lowered his mouth to hers. “It’s sure as hell not good enough for me.”

She seemed to resist the kiss for a moment, but just as he started to pull away, she moaned. Her body relaxed into his, her arms slipping around his shoulders. Surrendering.

No. Trusting. Despite her hardened royal cynicism, despite the betrayals she’d suffered, for some reason she trusted him.

And God, he hungered for that trust as if it filled an elemental need. Never mind that only hours before, he’d been willing to hurt her in order to escape.

In some dim corner of his consciousness, he wondered what was happening to him. What was she doing to him?

The rest of him didn’t care.

Five seconds into the kiss, Zarifa realized something had changed. Rance had made love to her the first time with a seducer’s easy skill, but this was different. She could feel it in the faint tremor in his body as he anchored her against him with tender strength.

He kissed her softly, endlessly, then nibbled his way down her chin to the underside of her jaw. She let her head fall back as he tasted her there in tiny, seductive nips.

“Open your suit,” he whispered against her skin. He had both hands occupied: one wrapped around her waist, the other hanging on to a handhold to keep them from tumbling in weightlessness.

Zarifa obediently wrapped both legs around his waist and leaned back to find the seal of her uni. His eyes flared as she opened it. He nuzzled the edge of the suit aside and closed his mouth over one nipple, sending an intoxicating sizzle straight to her core.

“Rance,” she sighed.

He rumbled deep in his throat, a purr more tiger than wolf. His tongue circled the pink bud, flicked and teased. His teeth raked with such precise delicacy, Zarifa quivered.

She needed to touch him. Had to. Reaching between them as he continued his lazy ministrations to her breasts, she found the seal of his uni and raked a nail down it. The seal parted obediently. Zarifa grabbed the edges of the suit and tugged, but he still held her, and she couldn’t get it down his arms. She growled in frustration.

“All right, all right!” With a low, sexy laugh, he let go of his anchoring handhold. They promptly started a weightless tumble. Both legs wrapped around him, Zarifa ignored the spinning room, intent on dragging the suit off.

Rance went to work on hers at the same time, and her elbow clipped his chin as she pulled at a sleeve.



Writhing in midair in a hopeless tangle of clothes, arms, and legs, they only tumbled faster. Rance laughed as he grabbed for her head to keep it from knocking against the side of the core, then yelped as he barked his knuckles on the neutronium glass.

“Are you okay?” She slapped a hand against the glass, trying to slow them down.

“Yeah, but this isn’t—ouch!” His shoulder thumped against the housing. With a growl, he shot out a booted foot and kicked, sending them floating away from it. “This isn’t one of my more suave seductions.”

“You give suave seductions?” Zarifa blinked in mock innocence. “I thought you just kind of pounced and nibbled.”

He narrowed his eyes with mock outrage. “I’ll show you pouncing!”

Her giggle became a yelp as he ruthlessly jerked her uni down her hips and off her legs, then sent it sailing across the chamber. Before he could grab her again, she released the grip of her legs, kicked against a passing bulkhead, and shot toward the opposite side of the chamber.

Naked, still laughing, she steadied herself with a handhold and watched as he ruthlessly attacked his own uni. Hard muscle rippled as he bent double to drag off his boots, then pulled the suit down his thighs.

“Have I mentioned I love your ass?”

The suit went flying as he gave her a glittering look, braced his bare feet on the bulkhead, and sprang toward her. Zarifa yelped and kicked off, but Rance was more practiced in zero gravity, and he snagged her ankle before she could escape.

“Come here, you.” He dragged her into his arms.

Zarifa pretended to swat at him. “Bad dog!”

“And I’m about to show you exactly how bad.” One big hand found her breast as the other slipped between her thighs. Her laughter became a gasp as a long finger slid deep.

“I’m not the only one who’s bad.” His grin turned smugly wicked. “Your Imperial Highness is wet.”

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