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“Dane, you’re a flirt.” Elizabeth smiled as Dash’s dark face creased into a scowl.

Dash was a Breed. Fully mated. But even fully mated Breeds were known to be intensely jealous over their women.

“He likes to live dangerously,” Dash commented mockingly, though he pulled Cassie back as she edged closer to the other man.

Cassie flipped her hair over her shoulder and shot her father a frown that had Seth grinning. Cassie was inquisitive, sometimes too much. And Seth hadn’t missed it.

“So I’ve been told regularly,” Dane laughed. He flipped the fire off the end of the cigar and tapped it into his palm before sliding it into the worn pocket of his bush shirt. “And I believe we’ll let the delectable little Caro show us to our rooms now. We’ll catch up with you later, Seth. Dash.” He nodded to both of them before strolling back into the house.

All eyes turned to Cassie as she narrowed her gaze and watched him silently. The girl often saw things…

“He’s like, cute. For an old man.” Her brows lifted as she quickly sidestepped her father’s swatting hand and laughed in delight.

“Richard.” Seth motioned to the house steward lingering close by. “The Sinclairs are very special guests. Make certain they’re comfortable.”

“Seth.” Dash nodded in acceptance of the compliment. “We’ll talk later.”

Yeah, they would.

Seth inhaled and turned back to stare out along the private drive and the vehicles rolling to a stop. Another Breed heli-jet flew overhead. Hopefully a few additional security members, Seth thought. Damn, he didn’t like this. The threat, the intel that another attempt would come here, within his own private fortress. And he had pushed Dawn away.

Ten fucking years he had dreamed of her, dreamed of having her here, by his side. Letting it go was the hardest thing he had ever done.

“Seth.” Lawe stepped up to him, his expression somber, but his eyes gleaming. “Dawn’s just arrived to take command of the group. Good luck, man.”


She was just enterin

g the wide, sheltered portico of the mansion, her duffel slung over her shoulder, when she saw him.

The door jerked open and he stepped from the house, his expression livid, his gray eyes dark and firing with fury as he slammed the door closed.

Dawn smirked. It was completely unlike her; everything rolling through her senses and her emotions was completely un-Dawn-like since she had learned Seth had a lover.

She stopped, cocked her hip and stared back at him as he stalked over to her, gripped her arm above the hem of the long-sleeved light jacket she wore and steered her to another entrance.

Steered her nothing—he was dragging her. The heat of his palm raced through the thin material of the black jacket, fired against her flesh and sent erratic impulses rushing through her body.

Past arousal was nothing compared to what she felt now. It wasn’t arousal—it was an imperative, all-consuming hunger and a need that she couldn’t survive without fulfilling.

He was hers. He was a part of her soul. When had that happened? Other than those brief days ten years before, she hadn’t allowed herself to be alone with him, hadn’t allowed herself the hope that she could have more than the nightmares.

She didn’t want the pity. She didn’t want the knowledge in his eyes of what she had been, but she couldn’t bear to lose him either.

He pulled her into another door, slammed it closed, then swung her around to face him.

Dawn smiled mockingly as she looked around the huge, deserted laundry room.

“Isn’t this just a little too clichéd, Seth?” She drawled. “And here I’m not wearing my little French maid outfit. Should I change for you?”

My God. His eyes. For a second, the hunger, the lust that fired inside them wiped the thoughts from her head and the saliva from her mouth, and not in fear. She could smell the lust pouring from his body, his pores, filling the room with the subtle scent of male musk and heated flames. It was the most erotic scent she had ever known.

“Who the hell are you and what did you do with Dawn?” he snarled. “Better yet, why the fuck are you here?”

“What, didn’t want me to witness you going to your knees in surrender when you propose to your little bunny of the month?” she shot back, and watched as his nostrils flared, his head jerking back in surprise. “Didn’t think Callan would tell me, Seth?” She wrinkled her nose as she had watched Cassie do a dozen times when slapping down one of the Breeds for impertinence. “Didn’t think poor little Dawn could handle the sight of it?”

His lips thinned as she watched the anger build inside him. Well, that was fine with her. Let him get mad. Let him get as mad as she was and let him burn inside.

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