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“God…stop…” He tried to pull back, surprise and horror flashing across his face as he held her still, pulling free of her.

“No. ” Her hands gripped his hips, her need for him so stark, so vital she couldn’t bear the separation. The taste of him was dark, earthy. She had no idea what the pulse of fluid was, but she knew she needed more. Always more. She could never get enough of him. Her lips enclosed the head again, suckling it into her mouth as another pulse of the liquid filled her. His groan was tight, almost animalistic as she moaned around his flesh.

“Baby,” he protested, seeming to tremble before her. His thighs were tight, steel hard columns that shuddered beneath the caress on his erection.

She stared up at him, suckling at him slowly, her tongue flickering over the sensitive flesh until yet another hard pulse of the fluid shot into her mouth and his cock sank further past her lips. Hunger was a hard knot of arousal in the very depths of her womb. Ravenous, her body becoming more heated than ever before, she began to move her mouth on the throbbing flesh, her tongue flickering over it, working to draw the deep, primal growls from his throat. The head sank to the depths of her mouth, filling it as she suckled and licked. There was no discomfort, no sense of choking on the thick flesh. Her tongue felt more sensitive, the depths of her mouth experiencing a near sexual pleasure as he began to fuck her mouth with short, quick strokes. She whimpered at each thrust, greedy for another burst of the sweet ejaculation that wasn’t a release, yet shuddered through his body as though it were.

“Charity, baby. I can’t control this. ” One hand gripped the base of his cock, the other tangled deeper in her hair as he thrust against her. His voice was dark, its roughness so sexual, so deep, her womb contracted with the sound of it.

Her nails bit into the sides of his muscular thighs as she fought to hold onto her own control. Her mouth

tightened on the surging erection, her tongue stroking it, needing more.

“Charity, I’m going to come,” he warned her, his voice tight. “God, baby, stop. ”

She felt the jerk of his cock as her tongue stroked over the deep pulse of the knot fighting to be free beneath his flesh. She suckled at the flesh strongly, loving the way his breath hitched, his body tightened with each pull of her mouth, each lick of her tongue.

“Charity. ”Another hard pulse of fluid shot into her mouth as her hand tightened on his cock. His hips were moving more strongly now as he panted for air, as she panted for air. Her fingers caressed his scrotum, her nails scratching at the silken sac as he suddenly tightened.

“Not like this. ” He moved back, ignoring her cry, her need. He jerked his jeans from his legs as she moved to him, intent on finishing what she had started.

“Aiden, please. ”Her lips went to his chest then lower, moving to her knees, starving for the taste of him.

“Charity. God, baby. ”She licked over his abdomen and a second later her lips covered the head of his cock again.

And he was hers.

Both hands locked in her hair as her hands wrapped around his cock, her mouth and tongue driving him to his climax. She was desperate, needing to wipe away the memory of the time in the Labs, to replace it with this, something deeper, hotter.

His cock pulsed then as she felt her juices spill along her thighs. Beneath her hands the hard swelling in his cock began, engorging, filling her cupped palms a second before the first blast of his hot semen shot into her mouth.

His hips moved in short hard strokes as his groan echoed around her, hot and filled with pleasure as his seed coated her tongue and slid down her throat. The taste of him was an aphrodisiac all its own. The feel of the hard swelling beneath her hands, the crown pulsing, spilling his pleasure in her mouth triggered a deep, convulsive shudder in the depths of her womb.

Her hands stroked the sensitive, fist-sized swelling that had knotted in the shaft of his cock. Each gentle caress spilled yet another explosion of his seed in her mouth as he groaned weakly beneath the caress.

“Baby, so good,” his words whispered through her heart. “Charity. Charity, you’re killing me. ” He shuddered again, his hands kneading at her hair, his hips jerking, tugging at her hold on his cock as pleasure rippled over him.

When it was over, he drew her gently to her feet, holding her as she swayed in his grip. One hand moved to her chin, his thumb running over her swollen lips.

“Mine,” he growled.

“Prove it,” she challenged him softly.

He smiled. A slow curving of his sensually molded lips as he watched her knowingly. “No need to prove it now, Charity. Soon you will know. But just because you have what you needed, doesn’t mean I’m finished with you yet. ”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Before Charity could protest he turned her, bending her over on the bed, her palms flat against the mattress.

“Perfect,” he murmured, his hand trailing over the curves of her rear as he leaned close to plant a heated kiss between her shoulder blades.

“We couldlay on the bed,” she panted, shivering beneath the caress. He could destroy her equilibrium with only a stroke of his lips. She felt lost, drowning beneath the sensuality of his touch. Heat flickered through her cunt, her womb, as convulsive shudders racked her muscles. She wondered if she had enough strength left to stay on her feet as his hand stroked beneath her thighs, yet never really touched the needy entrance to her vagina.

She shifted, breathing deeply, certain she would collapse at his feet.

“Who needs a bed?” he whispered as his lips touched her shoulder, his teeth scraping the tender skin there. “I will hold you up, Charity. Trust me. ” His hands curved around her waist, smoothing over her abdomen, caressing up her stomach until he could cup the firm globes of her breasts. Charity couldn’t hold back her cry as his fingers enclosed her nipples, rolling against them slowly as she began to burn with her own lusts. His loins cushioned her buttocks, his cock resting against the narrow crevice there, heating it,fueling fantasies she refused to delve too deeply into.

“Trust you?” she panted desperately. “Your legs trembled too, Aiden. ”
