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“We’ll keep her safe, Aiden. You keep her careful. All the plans in the world won’t save her if she doesn’t use caution. ”

“She’ll be too tired not to use caution,” he murmured as he heard the bathroom door open. “See if Faith or Hope can bring her clothes later. For now, I think she needs to rest. ”

Wolfe nodded as the other men filed from the cabin and then he followed behind them. Weariness lay about him, and Aiden now understood why. The worry and constant strain of his mate being in distress lay heavily on his shoulders. Accepting Charity as his mate had placed the same strain on Aiden’s. Her safety, her happiness, as well as the future of their race were their responsibility. A responsibility that didn’t set well with any of their mates.

He sighed tiredly as he heard Charity curse from the bedroom. Her voice was thick with unshed tears, and he knew the worries that would be running through her head. He was her mate. It was his job to ease her. He smiled then. And easing her was so damned good, he thought a lifetime of it wouldn’t be

nearly enough.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Adrenaline still pumped through her body, the blood pounding through her veins even now, hours after the attack. Fury nearly overwhelmed her as she thought of Aiden and his refusal to understand the danger she was bringing to the Breeds that had taken her in. The danger she was bringing to Aiden. And there lay her biggest worry.

“Charity, I can protect you,” he spoke from the doorway behind her, his voice dark, rough. She blinked back her tears, fighting herself and the emotions consuming her. For so many years she had fought her needs for him. Denied what her body, her heart and soul, told her on a daily basis. Just as she had tried to deny it to him.

She listened as he moved across the room, watched as he came into her line of sight, rounding the bed, walking toward her. His chest was bare, smooth tough skin and hard muscle. His abdomen was hard, tight, sun darkened. And below there, beneath the waist of his jeans, his erection swelled. She licked her lips, hungry for him, her body desperate for his touch.

“Charity. ”He stopped in front of her, his lean hips at level with her gaze, and she couldn’t resist. She leaned forward, her hands gripping the outside of his hard thighs as her lips pressed against the tight flesh of his abdomen. She needed to touch him, to hold him, to assure herself he was unharmed.

“Charity. ”His voice was strangled as his hands slid through her hair, holding her close as she licked at his flesh.

The muscles contracted beneath her touch as he strained closer to her. He was hard and hot, and she was tired of the cold knot of fear and loneliness that had grown inside her for so many years. Her hands moved to the metal buttons of his jeans, her fingers trembling with anticipation as she slid the first metal disk free of its mooring.

“Charity, you need to rest,” he whispered, though his muscles tightened as the second disk slid free as well.

“I need you. ” She pressed a kiss to the skin she hadrevealed, her mouth watering at the thought of what awaited her behind the snug confines of the jeans.

The buttons slid free easily, and with his help she managed to push the material over his hips and thighs. His cock sprang free, heavy and engorged, the thick veins standing out in stark relief against the

mahogany colored flesh.

He was so thick, so hard, it amazed her that her body could accommodate it. She blew a whispery breath over the crown, watching as it flexed then jerked at the sensation.

“Would you tease me all night?” His voice was strangled. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to fuck your mouth again, Charity?To relive the pleasure of your tongue against my cock?”

She shivered, his whisky-rough voice sliding over her senses like a velvety stroke of power. Fighting for breath, one hand slid across his thigh to cup andcradle his heavy scrotum while the other gripped the base of his cock. She had no hope of enclosing it in the fingers of onehand, she wanted only to hold the heavy flesh steady as her tongue washed over the flared head of his erection. Above her, she heard him groan. His hands tightened erotically in her hair, his hips pressing the hard shaft closer to her lips. And still she teased him. Why, she didn’t know. Perhaps it was to hear the hard, indrawn breaths of pleasure that echoed around her. To feel the desperate throb of his cock head under her tongue, or merely to have him force her to enclose the bulging head between her lips. His hands tightened in her hair. She allowed her tongue to stroke over the flared head, feeling the heat of it, tasting the pearly drop of pre-cum that eased from the tip. He tasted tangy, a bit salty, and completely male.

“Charity. ”His tone was harsh and filled with erotic warning as his hands tightened in her hair. “This is a dangerous game you’re playing, mate. ”

She smiled, glancing up at him as she tongued the tip of the silk-encased steel. He grimaced sensually, his expression taut, his eyes stormy and intense as she savored the taste of his cock. Her tongue flickered beneath the flared head, stroking the most sensitive area as his breath caught. She wanted him filling her mouth, thrusting heavily into it, but she needed him to want it more. For years she had dreamed of the first time she had taken him like this. Knowing she had forced from him something he had been unwilling to give. She wanted to replace the memory with something so erotic he would never remember that episode in the same way again.

“Enough,” he finally growled. “Do not make me force you, Charity. ”

She smiled as she lowered her lashes and licked again, feeling the rough edge of the heavy veins than ran just under the flesh. Restraining herself took more self-control than she ever imagined she could possess. Watching him, seeing his face become heavy with sensuality, his eyes darkening, his chest rising and falling heavily as sweat gleamed on the heavy muscles had her pussy clenching in need. She knew the moment he had enough of her teasing. His expression tightened, his eyelids lowered broodingly a second before one hand clenched in her hair as the other wrapped around the shaft of his cock, just above her hand.

“No more teasing, Charity. ” The wide head butted against her lips then slid smoothly into the waiting depths of her mouth.

Charity’s body clenched with the dominant, aggressive move. But even more frightening, she felt a part of herself begin to melt. She was hungry for him, ravenous, and she knew from experience that the aphrodisiac contained in the drugs would have been out of her system by now. Her need for him, his

taste, his touch, the greedy hunger for him that tormented her would be natural now. And mixed with the heady arousal pumping through her was a shadow of fear.

If this were natural, then how would she ever leave him? And how could she stay, knowing the emotions she had kept carefully banked over the years were not returned by him?

She suckled at the head of his cock, moaning in shattered desire, fighting to hold onto some part of her heart as she heard his hard moan.

“God, Charity…so good. ” His hands tangled in her hair further as he held her still for the careful thrusts into her mouth.

Her tongue stroked the rigid flesh as she suckled at the throbbing head. Her eyelids rose, staring up at him, her chest tightening with the pleasure on his face. Sensual and savage, his eyes like thunderclouds as he stared down at her, his expression twisted with almost painful rapture. Shockingly, a hard pulse of warm, spicy fluid shot from the tip of his cock.
