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Chapter Twenty

“Now, Charity,” he whispered as he came over her, unable to hold back the driving need for fulfillment that pounded through his body. “Burn me alive. ”

Aiden felt the pulse of lubricating fluid from the tip of his cock the moment it touched the wet heat of

Charity’s vagina. He grimaced, fighting for control. He wanted to enter her slowly, to savor every rippling contraction that tore through her tight cunt. And she was tight. Another pulse of fluid shot into her. Her body tightened, bucking as it splattered inside her heated channel. He eased the bulging head of his cock gingerly into the gripping entrance as yet another stream shot free. He was fighting for breath now. The ejaculations were almost orgasmic, teasing him with the ecstasy to come, the memory of the soul-searing release when his seed would fill her, soak into her pussy and ease their lusts for but a brief time.

“You’re so hot. So hot and tight you make me want to howl with my need for you,” he panted as he fought for breath.

Gritting his teeth, he eased farther inside her, amazed at how easily her muscles parted for him, how hot and tight her grip was. Her pussy clenched, her juices flowing, easing his way as he pressed into her. Looking down, he fought the near rabid growl as he watched the plump lips of her cunt flattening and stretching around the shaft invading her. The sight of it had yet another of the ejaculations pulsing from him.

She cried out, her hands moving from the side of the beanbag she lay on to grip the wrists that clasped her hips. She stared up at him, her eyes dazed, unfocused, her face flushed with passion, glistening with perspiration.

“Do you know how good you feel?” he growled as he fought for control. “So wet and tight around me, Charity. I can feel the knot just under my flesh throbbing for release. ”

And he could. The pumping pressure midway down the length of his cock was an excruciating pleasure as he fought the impending release. Aiden eased in farther, his gaze flickering between her satiny, pink inner lips and her enthralled expression.

The head of his cock was buried inside her, easing through the fist-tight confines of her pussy as another pulse of the lubricating fluid shot inside her. It was agony. It was a pleasure so painful he swore he was going to die as he fought to maintain the steady, though slow pace inside her.

“Charity,” he gasped her name as he slid farther inside the tightening, building heat of her cunt. “Baby. You’re killing me. ”

“Now. ”Her nails bit into his wrists. “Fuck me, Aiden. Fuck me now. Hard. Please…”

He couldn’t help it. He powered inside her, his head falling back, a growl ripping past his throat at the brutal pleasure tearing through his body. He was buried in her to the hilt now, his scrotum tucked against her bottom, cushioned and becoming moist from the female juices that had coated the flesh there.

“Aiden. ”She was half raised, almost in a sitting position, her eyes wide, dilated as she stared at him.

“Look,” he whispered, glancing between their bodies as he pulled back slowly. He heard her whimper and wanted to cry out himself as his cock slid back, dragging against her flesh, glistening with the thick cream that coated it. He pulled nearly free, until only the crown remained.

“Watch, Charity. ” He had to fight for breath, fight to still the tremors that wanted to shake his body, the need for release that pounded through him. “Watch me take you. ”

He slid home again. Not so slowly, but not so fast that she didn’t see, didn’t feel every inch of the cock taking her. He glanced up at her again, seeing the fascinated look on her face, the arousal tightening her features.

“Look at me, Charity,” he whispered. “Look, baby. ”

She raised her eyes; they were wide, dazed, almost black pools of surrender as he pulled back then thrust easily inside her once again.

“Mark me,” he whispered, every muscle in his body tensing from need as he tightened his arms around her, pulling her closer. “Like I marked you, Charity. Mark me now. ”

He thrust harder inside her as her lips touched his shoulders. He was close. So damned close he could feel the knot beginning to form, engorging,preparing for his release. His hips moved faster, thrusting his cock harder, deeper inside her as he felt the delicate scrape of her teeth, heard her whimper of nearing orgasm.

Her pussy rippled around him, contracted with deep hard pulls, milking at his flesh as though trying to suck the seed from his body.

“Now, damn you. ”He couldn’t hold back, couldn’t wait. The swelling began, the pleasure tearing through him until he wondered if he would survive it.

Her teeth clamped down on the tight muscle. Not enough to break the skin as his canines had hers, but enough, just enough to release the primal urges tearing through him. He gripped her hips, lowering her, laying over her, feeling her teeth bite down as he thrust into her harder, again, and again, until the swelling intensified, locking himself inside her as she erupted around him.

The heavy contractions of her orgasm timed perfectly with the first hard expulsion of his seed inside her gripping cunt. Aiden wanted to howl, and almost did as the pleasure overcame him, surging through his body, shooting up his spine and searing his brain with the rapture of it. He couldn’t stop. His hips jerked, her muscles tightened, and his seed spurted inside her again. It seemed never ending, the pleasure unlike anything he had known or imagined possible.

The engorged knot pulsed and beat as though it carried life itself. Caught in the vice of her spasming pussy as he collapsed over her, shuddering, his body jerking with each explosion of seed from his cock into her body. His breath sawed out of his chest as slowly, agonizingly, the pressure began to ease. Sweat dripped from his body to hers. Her teeth loosened from his shoulder, her head falling back as she shuddered one last time.

“Mine,” he whispered, raising his head just enough to stare down at her, to spear her with the intent growing in his mind. “Mine, Charity. Always. ”

Shesmiled, weak but filled with her own determination, her own stubbornness.

“Not yet,” she promised him softly. “And maybe, Aiden, not ever. ”

Chapter Twenty-One
