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“You watched?” He tried to sound scandalized as he snickered in open amusement. She drew in a deep, patient, sustaining breath.

“You’re insane,” she grumped. “What about that drive you promised me. ”

He chuckled then, amazed that he could. The helpless irritation on her face, the flash of forced patience in her eyes, should have angered him. Instead it gave him hope. Hope for what, he wasn’t certain yet.

Chapter Nineteen

The early Colorado fall nights were crisp and cool. Perfect for a small fire and the warm coziness of the cabin Aiden had built. The day hadn’t been easy. The demands her body was making were even more difficult to contend with. The pain was gone, but the arousal was more strongly present than ever before. Controlling it wasn’t as hard as she had thought it would be. The friendly camaraderie she and Aiden had shared on the drive into town had helped. The bit of shopping she had done had been fun. The new clothes rather than Lab uniforms was nice. But now, as she fought to relax, to prepare for bed, her needs were making themselves strongly known.

After stacking her dishes from a light dinner into the dishwasher, she walked to the living room and the cheery fire that crackled in the fireplace between the living room and the bedroom. She pulled the extra large beanbag that sat against one wall to the front of the fire, and collapsed into it gratefully.

It cushioned her body, allowing her to relax as she extended her legs, pointing her feet to the warmth reflecting from the burning logs. The light gown she had donned after her shower rode to her thighs, allowing the warmth to flicker over the flesh there.

Closing her eyes she reveled in the peace, the sense of safety that permeated the Breed compound. Despite the high fences, the Enforcers and well-trained wolves, there was nothing here to remind her of the Labs and the imprisonment she had found there. But there was much here to remind her of Aiden. Each inhalation of air she breathed in was scented with him. The earthly male hint of sexuality and lust was nearly overpowering at times. Like now. When her body ached, when she wanted nothing more than to feel him against her, feel him touch her, despite her awareness of what was coming. Her breasts were swollen, the nipples hard and distended against the cotton gown she wore. Almost lazily her hands lifted. She was alone, relaxed, and she ached. Her hand went to the covered mounds, her teeth clamping on her lower lip as she fought a moan of purely sexual need. Her breasts were sensitive beneath her own fingers, her nipples rising harder to meet the touch of her fingers. She loosened the buttons that ran down the front of the garment until she could pull the edges back to expose the firm curves to the warmth of her hands. She needed Aiden’s hands there. She gripped one nipple between two fingers, breathing in sharply at the sharp sting of pleasure that pulled a gasp from her lips. Aiden’s hands were more calloused, larger than hers, but the fantasy worked at the edges of her mind. Aiden touching her, relieving the growing need building just beneath her flesh. He wasn’t due back to the cabin for hours. She was safe, she thought as she breathed harshly in growing need. She needed relief, no matter how minor.

One hand slid to her thighs, pushing the gown to her hips as her fingers moved to the bare flesh of her cunt. She jerked, shuddered, as a moan tore past her lips.

“Aiden,” she whispered his name, seeing him there, perhaps watching her, his eyes growing dark as she stroked her own body.

Would he like that? Would his cock thicken, become erect at the sight of her fingers pushing through the narrow slit of her cunt lips? In her fantasy, it did. She stroked around her swollen clit, feeling the piercing lust that shuddered through her womb at the touch.

Her inner lips were swollen, sensitized from her arousal. The cream from her body coated them heavily, allowing her fingers to slide easily between them until they met the entrance to her gripping vagina.

“Oh God!”She couldn’t stop her cry as she pressed two fingers inside. Her pussy gushed at the pleasure, the muscles clamping around her fingers, begging for more. The wash of sensations was almost agonizing. Heat seared her fingers, her cunt,the lightest stroke into the tight muscles echoing through her body with pulsing vibrations of rapturous pleasure. She spread her legs further, the muscles of her thighs tightening as the ache rippled from her vagina to her clit. Like a firestorm of erotic torment, the sensations whipped through her body, torturing her with the need for release. She could feel them licking over her flesh with a phantom stroke, edging her passion and her need higher.

She pulled her fingers back slowly, whimpering at the surging intensity before she pushed them forward in a quick stroke designed to mimic Aiden’s thrusting cock. Not nearly as good, but she couldn’t halt her cry at the flash of piercing need that shuddered through her body. The heel of her palm pressed against her swollen clit, intensifying the lustful pressure. Her cunt clenched, the empty hunger radiating through her body as she fought to bring herself to climax. It had always worked before. Always, yet no matter how she fought, no matter how deeply she pushed her fingers into the sweltering depths of her pussy, she could find no relief. Her head was thrown back as she fought for relief, whimpering sighs of desperation gasping from her lips when she first felt the gentle lick to the back of her cream coated hand. Charity’s eyes sprang open, her head lifting, her gaze caught by the hot intensity of Aiden’s look as he watched her from between her spread thighs. He was on his knees before her, naked, his dark face heavy with sensuality, his tongue reaching out to lick her again. A forceful lick accompanied by a growl that seemed to vibrate through her hand, into the hungry depths of her pussy.

“Do you know just how fucking beautiful you look to me right now?” His voice was dark, heavy with lust.

When she moved to pull her hand back, he stopped her, pressing his against it until her fingers sank inside her tight flesh once again. He watched the movement, his cheekbones reddening as hunger seemed to glow in his expression.

“Don’t stop,” he whispered. “Let me watch you, Charity. Take yourself as I watch. ”

It was the most erotic thing she had ever known in her life. Watching him—his gaze trained on her fingers, his tongue reaching out to lick at the slick slide of her juices—overwhelmed her. His tongue was rough, hot and greedy as he tried to hold her legs farther apart. His gaze locked with hers as he tried to clean every gushing surge of cream that escaped past her heated vagina and her thrusting fingers.

“I can’t. ” She was gasping for breath, her hips thrusting hard into her fingers as she stroked in again.

“Aiden, please. I can’t…”

She needed his fingers inside her, stretching her, driving her higher. God no, she needed his cock filling her, overfilling her, making her scream as her muscles were forced to accommodate each powerful stroke. She pushed her fingers deeper, harder inside her then cried out as his tongue stroked between them when she pulled back. The hot tip licked at her sensitized vaginal entrance, the sensation ripping through her body like a tidal wave of fiery pleasure.

“I’m going to fuck you until you beg me to stop. ” His voice was hard, so deep and rough it stroked over her senses like a ghostly touch. “As soon as I can quench this need to drain every drop of your juice from your body. ”

He pulled her fingers free, only to replace them with a hard, driving stroke from his hot tongue. Her hips jerked, thrusting into the stroke as streaking, lava-rich sensations raced through her blood stream, beneath her skin, searing her brain with the pleasure. Her hands gripped the sides of the beanbag, her thighs straining as his hard hands held them spread apart. He slurped at her entrance, his tongue fucking into her hard, then pulling back, his mouth sucking her flowing juices past his hard lips.

“So damned good. You make me drunk with my need for you,” he murmured at the pulsing entrance to her pussy before licking into her again.

The mindless need for orgasm began to fill her. There was no shame, no hesitation then, there was only Aiden. Aiden holding her still as shestruggled, reached for more. Aiden’s tongue stroking the overly sensitive tissue inside her blazing cunt, thrusting past the tightening muscles, probing at nerve endings she never knew she possessed. Nerve endings that exploded in pleasure at eachtouch, screamed out their need for satisfaction, for relief.

“Aiden, I need you. ” Her hands gripped the bag beneath her as she fought for climax. Her cunt, her clit, her breasts—hell, her entire body—were blazing, tingling, her muscles tightening at the cellular level in the quest to ease the delicious torment he was practicing on her drenched pussy. He groaned into her flesh, a sound of enjoyment, of pleasure as her vagina clenched, then drenched his tongue once again. Like a man parched from thirst and having found a well of wet, sweet relief. Now if only he would extend the relief, she could save her own sanity.

“Aiden, please,” she panted, her voice weak, breathless, shocking her with the primal sound of desperation. “Please. If you don’t fuck me I’m going to die. ”

She twisted as an agonized groan tore from her chest. His thumb began to circle her clit. It tingled, pulsed. Each stroke was like ecstasy licking at the edges of orgasm, driving her higher. She was thrusting against his fucking tongue, whimpering, crying out at each thrust as her vaginal muscles parted for each forceful entrance.

The pressure at her clit intensified, fed by his driving tongue, his suckling lips at her vagina, his thumb rotating against the tortured knot of nerves. Her cries echoed around her, almost animalistic, begging as she had never thought she could beg. Until his thumb pressed closer, firmer, stroking… God yes… Right there…

She screamed. Stars exploded around her as her eyes widened, her body arching, tensing, locked tight to his spearing tongue as she felt her pussy explode. Her upper body lifted involuntarily, the breath halting in her chest as lightning tore through her body. Bolt after bolt of white-hot heat erupted inside her as she convulsed, her wail filling the room, shocking her, as Aiden jerked his head back and rose over her with a primal growl of possession.
